No! Neither vnc nor thightvnc keeps files in the root directory open. As far
as i know, only the vnc server exe and the vnchooks.dll are accessed (along
with some system dll's when a viewer is connected). But all of these either
in the Windows/WinNT system dir and/or in the install dir of the
Has anyone a solution or hint?
Rudolf Kollien
email: Rudolf Dot Kollien At
Never trust a operating system you have no sources for
Buying an operating system without source
gwin with X11 to run nasd).
If the vncviewer would have "build-in" nasd support, there would be no problem.
But don't know if nasd runs without cygwin.
Rudolf Kollien
Never t
Thanx for the hints. Now i found a solution for entering the euro currency
symbol with vnc and kde3. For anyone who encounters the same problem: There is
no need to xmodmap. KDE internal uses the xkd extensions. So it is possible to
configure all necessary things within kde. You only have to select
can anyone help me with changing the keyboard mapping for Xvnc (3.3.4)? I use
vncviewer from Win2k to connect to a linux box running Xnvc and kde 3.0.4.
My keyborad is of german layout and most of the keys work as expected. The only
ones i need to change/enable is the "EuroSign" and a "fau