Re: [VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-20 Thread thomas malloy
RC Macaulay wrote: Harry Veeder wrote, >Though Huygens rejected Newton's theory of universal gravitation because it required action-at-a-distance, his own mechanistic account failed to explain satisfactorily how subtle vortical-matter transferred centripetal conatus to ordinary matter." Ho

[Vo]: Kim's Nuke

2006-10-20 Thread thomas malloy
Art Bell was just talking about Kim's apology. He quipped that when it comes to nuclear detonations, sorry just doesn't cut it. This tickled my funny bone. IMHO, the Chinese leaned on him. I doubt that he's out of booze, and pornographic tapes, while not for ever, will last a long time. ---

Re: [VO]:Re: Future speed freaks

2006-10-20 Thread Standing Bear
On Friday 20 October 2006 16:23, RC Macaulay wrote: > Blank > Howdy Jones, A close peek at the "rocketman" makes me consider he has > adapted the vortex air blaster theme to a turbine.. pretty neat. > > > > > Alas! the USA is rapidly losing it's capa

[Vo]: (VO) FW: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday October 20, 2006WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 20 Oct 06 Washington, DC

2006-10-20 Thread Akira Kawasaki
Forward from Akira Kawasaki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > [Original Message] > From: What's New <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 10/20/2006 2:20:22 PM Subject: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday October 20, 2006WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 20 Oct 06 Washington, DC WHAT'S

[Vo]: FW: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday October 20, 2006WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 20 Oct 06 Washington, DC

2006-10-20 Thread Akira Kawasaki
> [Original Message] > From: What's New <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 10/20/2006 2:20:22 PM Subject: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday October 20, 2006WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 20 Oct 06 Washington, DC WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 20 Oct 06 Wash

[VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay
  Harry Veeder wrote,   >Though Huygens rejected Newton's theory of universalgravitation because it required action-at-a-distance, his own mechanisticaccount failed to explain satisfactorily how subtle vortical-mattertransferred centripetal conatus to ordinary matter."   Howdy Harry,   A furt

[VO]:Re: Future speed freaks

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay
  Howdy Jones, A close peek at the "rocketman" makes me consider he has adapted the vortex air blaster theme to a turbine.. pretty neat.   Alas! the USA is rapidly losing it's capacity to produce anvanced technology products. Almost every co

[Vo]: OT: A short rant

2006-10-20 Thread Harry Veeder
I suppose it necessary to keep digging this stuff up. Perhaps when enough of it is dug up people will finally see the conceptual problems of modern physics began long before modern quantum and relativity theory. They began, in my estimation, when some PRINCIPLES of motion championed by some 17 th

[Vo]: Future Speed Freaks?

2006-10-20 Thread Jones Beene
Hey ex-hot-rodders in your wildest dreams can you imagine an affordable 1,500 Horsepower engine --- for your car, skycar, or ... err bicycle? Possible - yes - as this one pictured below only weighs-in at 35 pounds and can be mass produced. It is a reality now; but there is a catch-22 (i

[Vo]: Unstoppable Global Warming

2006-10-20 Thread thomas malloy
Michael Medved interviewed Dennis Avery, coauthor with D Fred Singer of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 years. According to Mr. Avery, warming is a natural process, and a good thing.