I think in a nutshell the query is why the browser.speed method is present
and working wonderfully in watir-classic, but not in watir-webdriver.
browser.speed = :fast
browser.speed = :zippy
I too now use watir-webdriver and miss being able to populate text fields
quickly, than the relativ
You haven't provided this information, and I'm not an expert in
watir-webdriver, so I'm going to have to rely on my psychic debugging powers.
My psychic powers tell me you're running Internet Explorer 10 or 11, and since
you're on a 64-bit version of Windows, you assumed you should use the 64-bi
taking screenshot running watir-classic on Remote Desktop (for example,
ie.screenshot.save 'screenshot.png') works only when window is not
minimized. This is an old limitation that I have experienced some years ago.
Do you how if now there exists a way to overcame this limitation?
We are
Hi All,
While entering data into text field it is taking too much time. i.e.
*it enters data character by character.*Please find the code below:
*require "rubygems"require "watir-webdriver"b=Watir::Browser.new :ieb.goto
"www.gogle.com"b.text_field(:id, /xyz/).set "abcdefgh" # here it en