re:applications for quotes

2008-01-18 Thread Linn Family
Ah Yes...I often use Mayberry quotes in my daily conversations. I would have to say that the favorite quote around our house is when we need to see a doctor, dentist or call someone to repair an appliance. If one of us complains about an ailment of some sort or a bum appliance, we look at

re: Doug's Tune-Briscoe laughing

2008-01-05 Thread Linn Family
Karen I watched the clip of "Doug's Tune" again and I think you are right-it DOES look like Briscoe is trying not to laugh. I have seen that episode a zillion times and never noticed that before. Also, whilst we're on the subject of "Doug's Tune".I recently saw the episode "The Darlin

re:Mayberry Video

2008-01-03 Thread Linn Family
I enjoyed watching the Mayberry video. It brought back alot of good memories. I also found this video on You Tube of "Doug's Tune" from the episode "Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee". I always looked forward to the Darling family's visits because you could look forward to some great bluegrass st

re: TV Land Response

2008-01-02 Thread Linn Family
I got the same response that Cheryl did-telling me to go to to make comments and suggestions. I was a bit disappointed that all we had to respond to was message boards. I wonder if the "suits" at TV Land actually read what's on those message boards. I read throug

write to tv land

2008-01-01 Thread Linn Family
I wrote to TV Land about their choice of programming and heard back from them. Their response was that I could comment on existing programming and request new shows by posting on the Programming Suggestions (TV Land) message board at They said that all viewer comme

re: TV Land wake up

2008-01-01 Thread Linn Family
I went to and there is a link in the upper right hand corner that says "contact us". I clicked on that and it takes you to a page where you can comment on various things. I wrote to them and told them what I thought of their programming. As to whether or not they will listen, time

re: Opie's Playtime

2007-12-30 Thread Linn Family
Ken I can think of another instance when Opie was watching television-it was the episode "Gomer the House Guest". Gomer lost his job and was staying with the Taylor family. They were trying to watching a t.v. program-I believe it was about a boy and his dog-and Andy, Opie and Aunt Bee cou

re: TV Land, what happened?

2007-12-29 Thread Linn Family
I totally agree that TV Land is straying from its roots. Like the old gray mare, TV Land "ain't what it used to be." When our cable company finally added TV Land to their lineup, my family was excited-we could finally enjoy the "old" t.v. shows. However, it seems that lately all they are show

re: Cats in Mayberry

2007-12-17 Thread Linn Family
This may be a bit of a stretch, but I did think of another episode that makes a reference (albeit a small one :) to a cat. In the episode "Andy the Marriage Counselor" where he is trying to play marriage counselor to the Boones, Aunt Bee remarks how she ran into Jenny and commented that she was

re: Jack Nicholson

2007-12-12 Thread Linn Family
Yes, Jack Nicholson was in more than one TAGS episode. He was in the episode (I believe it was called Aunt Bee the Juror) where Aunt Bee was the lone woman on a jury and Jack played the wrongly accused criminal. Aunt Bee didn't want to convict him and all the men on the jury did. Jack's chara


2007-12-11 Thread Linn Family
Karen, I believe the episode you are referring to is "Barney's Sidecar". Aunt Bee is a bit perturbed at Barney and his reckless driving on the motorcycle with a sidecar and she is trying to come up with a way to rid Mayberry of the vehicle. Hope this is what you're looking for. ___

re: Alumni Sighting

2008-02-02 Thread Linn Family
I believe that Roy Roberts also played Darrin Stephens' father in Bewitched and also that Darrin's mother was played by none other than Mabel Albertson a.k.a. Mrs. Sprague. (Did anyone ever say what her first name was?) ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB

re: Howard McNear Sighting

2008-02-11 Thread Linn Family
I recently watched the Elvis Presley movie "Blue Hawaii" and the man who ran the travel agency was played by none other than Howard McNear. My eleven-year-old daughter was watching the movie with me, noticed the travel agent and said, "Gee mom, isn't that Floyd?" Even at her age she is hooked

re: Uncle Ollie

2008-02-19 Thread Linn Family
I too recall seeing "Uncle Ollie" on the Beverly Hillbillies. I also recently watched "The Absent Minded Professor" and "Uncle Ollie" played a policeman in that movie. Ah, those Mayberry folks sure do get around!! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmu

re: Trivial Trivialities

2008-02-24 Thread Linn Family
I don't remember the first time Barney said "Nip it in the Bud" but I do remember another episode that he mentioned it in. It was the episode "One Punch Opie" in which Barney is giving Andy this speech in the courthouse about "First sign of youngsters goin' wrong ya got to nip it in the bud".

re:Meathead and Emmett Clark

2008-03-05 Thread Linn Family
Yes, Rob Reiner (All in the Family's Meathead) was in the episode "Goober's Contest". He worked in the print shop that printed up the tickets for Goober's contest. I also believe that it was the episode in which Howard McNear (Floyd) made his final appearance. "Goober's Contest" was the

re: Barney's Laughter

2008-04-07 Thread Linn Family
I remember in the episode "The Merchant of Mayberry" that Andy and Barney were in the courthouse with Ben Weaver and Andy was trying to tell Ben why it was okay for Bert Miller to run his stand. Barney had tried to put his two cents worth in and finally gave up and started holding his hand over

barney lights up

2008-05-06 Thread Linn Family
Actually, there is one episode where Barney is seen smoking. It is the episode "Citizens Arrest". Barney puts himself in jail and while he is there, he takes a puff or two, puts the cigarette out and then chokes up on the smoke. ___ WBMUTBB mailing li

Illegal U-Turn

2008-07-12 Thread Linn Family
I recently took my 11 year old daughter to spend a weekend with her older sister. While driving down the interstate, my daughter noticed a vehicle making a u-turn across the highway (one of those spots reserved for emergency vehicles only) and she said, "Citizens Arrest. Illegal U-turn. Go ah

Darling Family Songs

2008-07-31 Thread Linn Family
I was just wondering if the names of songs that the Darling Boys played (such as "Never Hit Your Grandma With a Great Big Stick", "Slimy River Bottom", "Tearin' Up Your Old Clothes For Rags" etc.) were actually names of songs or were they just made up. I'm pretty sure that "Slimy River Bottom"

favorite lines

2008-08-04 Thread Linn Family
One of my favorite lines is from "Gomer the House Guest". Gomer comes into the court house and tells Andy he is going to market to ask about a job. He says "They're lookin' for an experienced butcher." Andy says, "You know anything about cuttin' meat?" to which Gomer replies, "Reckon they'll

to Kathy from Cincinnati

2008-08-07 Thread Linn Family
The episode you are referring to is called "Andy Saves Barney's Morale." I don't remember word for word how the line went, but it was spoken by this white haired old man. Barney had arrested him for disturbing the peace (for throwing a checkerboard) and when he came back with the rest of

Parley Baer

2008-08-19 Thread Linn Family
I enjoyed reading about the different things Parley Baer had done. I got to thinking after reading about himdid he by any chance do the voice of Ernie the Keebler Elf? Some other things I remember him doing was appearing on the Young and the Restless back in the 90's. He was part of a sum

Howard Sprague

2008-10-27 Thread Linn Family
Last night we were watching the episode of Andy Griffith entitled "Lost and Found" in which Aunt Bee thinks she's lost an antique pin. (As you know, she ends up finding it in the pocket of her smock later on) Anyhow, when "Ed Jenkins" the insurance man walked into the Taylor's living room, my

willow chip

2008-11-27 Thread Linn Family
Putting a willow chip under the dog's head was from the episode "Divorce Mountain Style". Barney had gotten a book of mountain folklore from the library to try to get Andy out of having to marry Charlene. As he was reading through the book, he came across the story about the willow chip before


2008-12-01 Thread Linn Family
I don't have any pets named after a Mayberry character, but I do have a niece I nicknamed Otis. When Becky (her real name :) was first learning to walk, I jokingly said that she walked crooked just like Otis from the Andy Griffith Show did. She is nearly 18 years old now and I still call her O


2008-12-13 Thread Linn Family
My family and I were searching for something to watch on t.v. this evening and after not finding anything interesting, put in a disc from season eight of TAGS. We watched "Howard the Bowler" and after it was over, we were wondering if Andy, Goober and Howard did their own bowling, or was there

Mt. Airy

2008-12-17 Thread Linn Family
According to, in addition to North Carolina and Maryland having a Mt. Airy in their states, so do Georgia and Louisiana. Maybe a trained noticer out there somewhere knows of others. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Fun Girls

2009-01-08 Thread Linn Family
Wednesday evening my family and I were watching the episode "The Fun Girls". My 12 year old daughter walked into the living room, saw fun girl Daphne, and said "What is Andy doing dancing with the lady convict?" She recognized her as one of the lady convicts from the episode "Convicts at Large

Hotel Guests

2009-01-23 Thread Linn Family
I don't know if I'm worthy enough to be called a trained noticer or not, but I did think of another hotel guest-Keevy Hazelton. He was a rock-n-roll singer who had stopped in Mayberry to rest and got pestered at the hotel by some girls wanting autographs as well as being invited over for some g


2009-03-23 Thread Linn Family
Are there any trained noticers out there would know the answer to this one.In the first season episode "Stranger In Town", Floyd is played by someone other than Howard McNear. I was wondering why that gentleman played Floyd for just that one episode. Somehow Mayberry wouldn't have been the

favorite expressions

2009-05-04 Thread Linn Family
Two of our favorite Mayberry expressions are "Call the Man!!" and "That was well put Aunt Bee, well put!!" We use the "call the man" phrase when something is in need of repairing and when one of makes a good point (seems like it doesn't matter what the subject is) we say "that was well put." W

Andy overseas

2009-07-08 Thread Linn Family
The episode I remember Andy mentioning being overseas was "A Feud is a Feud". Andy was explaining the rules of a duel to Mr. Carter and Mr. Wakefield and at some point during the attempted duel says, "I learned a little French while I was over there during the war". What I find really humorous

slickwoods and anniversary

2009-07-31 Thread Linn Family
To Jed: As for "4 slickwoods", I think Aunt Bee is actually saying "forced liquids". Ken-congratulations on your Anniversary!! As for a present for your wife, how about seeing if you can get a hold of Newton Monroe and see if he has anything left in the trunk of his car. Or do you 'spose he's

Janet Waldo/Amanda

2009-09-28 Thread Linn Family
The episode in which Janet Waldo played Amanda was "A Wife for Andy". Barney decides that Andy needs a wife because Opie has been in a fight at school and Barney thinks Opie needs a mother. Barney asks all these different women to come over to Andy's house so he can look them over. One of the

Andy playing instruments

2009-10-20 Thread Linn Family
I remember one other episode where Andy plays the piano, albeit briefly. It is "Barney's Physical" from season 5. Barney finds out he doesn't measure up to the new civil service requirements. Andy is sitting at the piano playing a few notes and all of a sudden a light bulb seems to go off in h

traveling many roads

2009-11-28 Thread Linn Family
Today I played the organ for a funeral. The gentleman who passed away was 97 years old. I always try to pay close attention to what the pastor is saying when I play for a service, but today my mind wandered a bit. I couldn't help it, especially when the pastor said, "Bill was 97 years old and

Andy's Hand

2010-03-04 Thread Linn Family
I read someplace that Andy's hand was bandaged because he had punched his fist through a wall in his home. He explained his hand being bandaged in the episode "Aunt Bee the Warden" by saying "he'd had a tussle with a couple of prisoners". ___ WBMUTB


2010-03-16 Thread Linn Family
I work part time for our school's music department and had to go to the post office this morning after I was done at school. I pulled into a parking space and as I was getting out of my car a pick up truck pulled into the space next to me. What's the big deal? Well, to take the space next to

Middle Names

2010-03-18 Thread Linn Family
When Ron Bailey (Billy Bixby) was arrested for sideswiping a truck, he mentioned that his father was John Judson Bailey. Another one I thought of was when Andy was pretending to be Floyd's son in order to impress Madeline Grayson. Andy said that his name was Andrew Paul Lawson. Maybe if I put

look like a deputy

2010-03-27 Thread Linn Family
Last night I took my daughter to her friend's house so they could hang out and watch movies. As she got out of the car I told her to make sure she behaved herself. Her response was, "I will try to look like a deputy and act like a deputy". She then said, "Don't worry Mom, I'll behave". We us


2010-04-06 Thread Linn Family
Recently my daughter participated in a regional spelling bee and took third place. (If she had won, she would have gone on to the national spelling bee in Washington D.C.) To determine the order of contestants, each participant was asked to draw a number, which they would then wear around their

Aunt Bee Trivia

2010-05-11 Thread Linn Family
It has been quite some time since I've seen this episode (perhaps it was a two part episode at that) but wasn't Aunt Bee's fiance' a sea captain of some sort? ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-05-15 Thread Linn Family
I believe the name of the tune the town band was practicing for the evening concert was "Blue Danube Waltz". I'm proud of myself-I didn't even have to put a bucket on my head to think of the answer!! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list http://

Barney Trivia

2010-06-26 Thread Linn Family
I think the episode where Barney litters is called "Barney's Replacement". A lawyer comes to Mayberry to get some practical law experience by being a deputy. At the end of the episode, Barney writes Bob Rogers a ticket just to teach him a lesson, then tears up the ticket and tosses it into the

upcoming book

2010-07-16 Thread Linn Family
I ordered Andy Griffith's book online a couple of weeks ago. The anticipated release date was July 15th. I checked the status of my order this morning and it said the anticipated shipping date for my order would be July 19th. I am really looking forward to reading this book!!

more trivia

2010-08-19 Thread Linn Family
Would the song that Andy and Barney sang in both a black & white and a color episode by any chance be the Mayberry Union High Song? I'm not 100% for sure about this because I didn't have time to put a bucket on my head. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@

Dinner At Eight

2010-09-01 Thread Linn Family
One of my favorite color episodes of TAGS is Dinner At Eight. I was in the kitchen deciding what I should fix for supper and decided on spaghetti. I turned on the t.v. so I could watch TAGS while I was cooking and there it was-Dinner At Eight!! We had a good laugh at our house because the mea

Call The Man

2010-10-01 Thread Linn Family
A couple of days ago, I was running water so that I could do a big stack of dirty dishes. The sink only got about half full when the water suddenly stopped running. I called my husband, thinking he could suggest something for me to do. His response? "Call the man!!" I did indeed call the man


2011-02-04 Thread Linn Family
Recently my husband, oldest daughter and myself had the privilege of watching our youngest daughter participate in our county's spelling bee. It is always interesting to hear the variety of words given to the contestants. One of the words that night really caught our attention; the word "

Marines Hymn

2011-04-27 Thread Linn Family
I have the privilege of playing in a community band. It is made up of people of all ages who enjoy getting together to play their instruments. Anyhow, we are preparing some music for a concert we will perform on Memorial Day. One of the songs includes a portion of the Marines Hymn. Ever

air conditioning

2011-05-04 Thread Linn Family
I don't recall seeing any evidence of air conditioning in Mayberry but it was mentioned one time that I can remember. In the episode "Howard The Bowler", the electricity goes out at the bowling alley just as Howard is about to throw his bowling ball. Andy tries to find out what happened and te


2011-07-25 Thread Linn Family
Speaking of vacations (and I didn't even need a bucket for this one) how 'bout the time Aunt Bee went to Mexico with Clara and Myrtle? Even though she won the trip in a contest, I think it still counts as a vacation. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@w


2011-08-02 Thread Linn Family
I could be wrong about this (after all, I don't have a bucket on my head right now) but in the episode Alcohol and Old Lace, I think there was a mention of a birthday. A gentleman went to the Morrison sisters' house to buy some elixir and as the gentleman was leaving, one of the ladies said "Happy

Ronnie Dapo

2011-09-05 Thread Linn Family
I believe that Ronnie Dapo played Arnold Winkler on TAGS. I'm kinda proud of myself; I thought of that without putting my bucket on!! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Name to the list

2011-09-21 Thread Linn Family
I can't remember if this name has been mentioned yet or not, but didn't Barney call Mrs. Mendlebright a snoop? ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

The word sex on a sign

2011-11-11 Thread Linn Family
I believe that the word sex was seen on a sign in the episode where Ellie Walker runs for city council. There was a rally and there were a bunch of women holding signs, one of which I believe said something to the effect of "a vote for Ellie is a vote for the fairer sex". I'm not sure if this is

Nip it in the bud

2011-12-13 Thread Linn Family
Recently my daughter, who works in the HR department of a local business, was having some issues with an employee. The young man showed great promise in his interview but after he was hired, he was late several times to work. My daughter was discussing this problem with the young man's supervisor

Choir Practice

2012-03-07 Thread Linn Family
For the past several months, I have had the privilege of accompanying the choir at our church. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings and usually sing two Sundays a month. Anyhow, as I was leaving tonight for choir practice, my husband said to me "Say hi to Barney for me". When I got home, he said "H

John Masters

2013-02-21 Thread Linn Family
I can remember seeing Mayberry's John Masters in an episode of I Love Lucy, playing Little Ricky's doctor. He was also in one of Elvis Presley's movies, Girl Happy. He had a very small role as an employee of a nightclub. He may have had other appearances but these the only two I can think of-espec

Call The Man

2013-09-20 Thread Linn Family
Recently, one of the appliances in our house needed repairing. I was telling my husband about the appliance acting up and he said "you know what to do-Call the Man!!" So, that's what I did. I called the man and he fixed the problem. Gotta love Mayberry!! __


2014-01-08 Thread Linn Family
I think the two family members of Barney's who were seen on the show were Cousin Virgil and Barney's mother. I didn't even have a bucket on my head to come up with the answer. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Gilligan and Skipper

2014-01-10 Thread Linn Family
I would say that the reason Gilligan and the Skipper are connected to Mayberry is this: Bob Denver (Gilligan) played Dud Wash in the episode where Charlene divorced him and Barney had to ride the white horse from east to west. Alan Hale Jr. (Skipper) played Jeff Pruitt in the episode where he co

Favorite Color Episode

2014-01-14 Thread Linn Family
My favorite color episode would be Dinner At Eight. No matter how many times I watch it, it cracks me up!! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Appliance Repair

2015-09-13 Thread Linn Family
Our refrigerator had been acting up and seemed like it was in need of being repaired. When I was trying to tell my husband about the refrigerator, he looked at me and said, "Honey, why don't you just call the man?". I did exactly that-called the man and the problem was soon taken care of. I lo