that is possible but then you have to writer youre own ResourceFinder or ResourceLocator.On 2/13/06, Thomas Singer <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:OK, for styles, this works, but how to do that with images?
What about moving the html-files to the resources directory? Maybe there isan easy way to tell Wi
OK, for styles, this works, but how to do that with images?
What about moving the html-files to the resources directory? Maybe there is
an easy way to tell Wicket where it should search for them.
Martijn Dashorst schrieb:
>From within style.css the references to images is always
>From within style.css the references to images is always local to the style.So when I need to add a style.css to a wicket markup file, and I want previewability, I usually do something like this:
some ideasMake those resources also PackageResources so inside the src dir.Or set a hard path ../../../ in Index.html to style.css and logo.pngAnd then fix that path at runtime johan
On 2/13/06, Tom S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi,At the moment I have following project structure:[root]+ [resources
At the moment I have following project structure:
+ [resources]
| + style.css
| + graphic/logo.png
+ [src]
+ [com.blabla.pages]
+ Index.html
Index.html references style.css and graphic/logo.png relative to [resources]
(which is in the classpath) to ensure the