Re: [Xastir] Only seeing posits of path APZ256 | 7

2007-06-28 Thread Rick Bolen \(HM\)
for awhile. If I get a TS-2000 config that works reliably I'll share the tnc configs. Thanks for the pointers... Rick - kg4ofo - Original Message - From: "Tom Russo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Rick Bolen (HM)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Also,

Re: [Xastir] Only seeing posits of path APZ256 | 7

2007-06-28 Thread Rick Bolen \(HM\)
erence. Currently XFLOW is off (cause the ts2000 has a fully implemented rs232 [I think]) so maybe I'll try that). Anyone slayed this demon before? Also, is there a cmd interface to the tnc from within Xastir? Thx, Rick - kg4ofo - Original Message - From: "Curt, WE7U&

[Xastir] Only seeing posits of path APZ256 | 7

2007-06-28 Thread Rick Bolen \(HM\)
In following up with one of my original issues... I'm running Debian Etch\Xastir 1.8.?, Kenwood TS-2000 w/onboard tnc. If I "View, All incoming" I see many various types of posits\packets listed... weather stations, digis, posits, etc.. But only 4 "stations" are being rendered to the map. My posi

[Xastir] newbie question...

2007-06-25 Thread Rick Bolen \(HM\)
Hello all. I'm new to the list. I've used APRS for several years and have poked around some linux code, but I'm new to using Xastir. Q1: Is there a search engine for the archives? It's time consuming to try and drill through the archives month-by-month to research a question\issue. Q2: Has anyone