Very well known and documented issue. It's in the FAQ - 4.13
You can read it online or find a copy in your source directory (if you
use CVS)
Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:
echo $LANG -> "en_US.UTF-8"
changed L
Getting these lines in the console I started Xastir in. Hundreds of 'em
over and over. Don't think it's a problem in Xastir. More curious as to
what it may mean.
sscanf parsed 1 values in alert.c (3-7 ok) YB8ZD->NWS_APRS: logsheet APRS
Net diposting pd milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sscanf parsed
Following the guide on the docs wiki, I've been unable to view radar
images ever since upgrading to Fedora 9.
Tiz the season for 'ugly' weather - I wanted my radar images!
So on a whim, I removed GraphicsMagick-devel, installed
ImageMagick-devel - recompiled Xastir and voila!! Online radar ima
Well, there's your problem! (right?)
"XPM and/or ImageMagick support have not been compiled in."
Isn't Image/GraphicsMagick required to display online maps?
Also suggest they use GraphicsMagick over ImageMagick due to the
historical problems with a dynamic API
Eric Christensen wrote:
Thanks for the heads up on the "add remove software" changes! Looks like
we'll have to go CLI to keep things universal across GUI changes.
I've modified the entry in the Wiki to make it work for releases from F7
to F9 - lemme know what you think.
FWIW, I've built Xastir on 3 different F9 mach
You need to install the X development packages for your system. These
are the headers and other files (libraries) other programs use to
compile against X. Not just the binaries you already have installed to
run X. If you were to install a precompiled, binary of Xastir - you
wouldn't ne
Just a SWAG - but does running, as root, /sbin/ldconfig help any?
Larry Shields wrote:
*I have just install xastir-1.9.3, everything seem to compile just fine,
but when I tried to start xastir &, it stops, saying this:
Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
Thanks for the ::thwak:: Fred,
I just did a clean install of Fedora 9 on my HP nx9500 laptop. Then did
an Xastir install following the instructions in the 'how to' section of
the Xastir documentations area of the wiki. All looks good!
I up da
1 - Are Gerry's weather servers still having issues? I just wiped my CVS
directory and re-built from fresh in hopes of getting current radar images
(T-storm season approaches). But, I'm still getting the same static radar
images from USRadar.geo - the other two radar.geo files yield nothing.
se on the table.
Using calls of W7VNJ, KC7ZRU-7 and -14 - only W7VNJ is accepting
messaging. Bulletins turned off for now.
We've got EMA folks from all over the state here. They're looking - hard.
Liking the various maps, zoom levels and loving it when I tell 'em "This
is real-time
Not sure what's up - and worse, not sure how to find out!
This was all running fine business on a Fedora Core 4 box. Upgraded the
server hardware (new mobo, new drives - RAID rocks!) and am now using
CentOS 5.1. This is the *last* thing to get sorted in the migration -
everything else is worki
This little 12 channel USB GPS receiver works fine with Xastir on both my
HP laptop and my 'Frankenstein' desktop PCs. It's about the size of a
matchbox car. Bit wider.
About $29+sh
Just got mine via FedEx ground - have'n fun!!
No personal interest in
For the FWIW file.
Just did a clean install of Fedora 8 - being sure to include the default
selections for the Development group - and then installed Xastir using
the Fedora HowTo on the web site.
works fine.
Xastir mailing list
If I'm understanding this right, that'd work for me!! Thanks for the
As a 'drop in' part of xastir itself, I'd guess it'd make things quite a
bit larger distribution wise, but sure would make the cross platform bit
I'd be a bit concerned with crossing up users package mana
On Tue, July 10, 2007 11:27 am, Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:
> Uh -- somebody send me a clue how to get sounds to play in Xastir. I'm
> trying to get new station announcement, etc., to play, and I don't know
> th esyntax. Apparently play with nothing else doesn't do it!
> Tha
On Tue, July 10, 2007 11:05 am, Steve Huston wrote:
> On 07/10/2007 12:54 PM, KC7ZRU - Tate wrote:
>> There's a balloon icon, with a black, dotted square and bisecting lines
>> from corner to corner of the square near Salt Lake City. Box covers a
>> fairly large area.
See the snapshot at:
There's a balloon icon, with a black, dotted square and bisecting lines
from corner to corner of the square near Salt Lake City. Box covers a
fairly large area.
What does that dotted line box indicate?
Maybe some kind of 'visibility' foo
Ah, you need to - as root - run:
Be sure you've first added the relevant paths to /etc/
Like I alluded to before - this is all explained in the Fedora Howto in
the Wiki.
Bennett, Joe wrote:
Yes I ran the script, after I posted the message. I then
Joe, have you walked through the FC 6 how to in the wiki?
Xastir mailing list
Personally, and yes - I've a bit of 'tude here - I say we release on OUR
schedule. If some distro or another - no matter how popular - gets
something older due to their policies, that's not an Xastir problem.
Our developers work hard to make this thing work on it's own merits.
They've gone bey
KC7ZRU wrote:
Seems when FC dropped lesstif, they didn't remove it
for the upgrade.
FC dropped openmotif, not lesstif - my bad.
Xastir mailing list
Yup, Curt's suggestion of:
rpm -qa | grep tif
Will tell you. But, that command can take some time run as it has to go
through every package installed on your system.
You can shorten it all by running:
rpm -q openmotif
rpm -q lesstif
Results, almost immediate. BUT! You *MUST* get the pack
"This week, SurfinÂ’ visits a Web site that deals with an APRS application
for Linux." -
Nicely done to the Xastir crew and congrats to make'n the 'big time'!
Xastir mailing list
Another distro that'd be familiar to FC/RH users, but has a more
'production' oriented upgrade cycle (read: not every 6 to 8 months or
so!) would be CentOS.
Think of it as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) - but with out the paid
support or licensing costs.
Exploring using i
Gerry Creager wrote:
They reside now on for anonymous FTP. 11 GB later...
I've got to reorganize them a bit over the next couple of days but
they're there!
Gerry, I think you meant: - no?
Ray Wells wrote:
My only foray into Redhat was a disaster to install. Made me realise how
good Debian is.
Ray vk2tv
Similar to my experiences with Debian - only inverted. What a freak'n
nightmare experience that was! Within hours of the attempt I was back to
FC and sighing relief. But ya kn
Fedora Core, currently have 3 of my own Xastir installs, all on FC6.
Help a couple buds with Xastir installs on FC5.
Note: With the release of Fedora 7, Fedora Core will change it's name to
Fedora. Extras and Core are being combined and the 'extras' and 'core'
labels dropped.
73, Tate
a new login.
I gave up getting a working password for my callsign login after
forgetting it's password. You'll find my edits, efforts, ramblings,
misdirections and occasional outright screw ups under 'Zotter' now.
On Tue, December 12, 2006 1:29 pm, James Ewen wro
Jason, which image is that you're seeing?
Biggest image I'm seeing at is the Xastir logo, it's
19.07 KB.
This site doing some kinda browser/version checking and delivering
different content to differen visitors?
Jason Winningham wrote:
As best I can tell the first image on ww
Works fine from here using a graphical FTP client.
Gerry Creager wrote:
I can hit it from inside the TAMU firewall, and the firewall status page
shows it open. If you can get to it with a web browser, it is
working... especially if you used the url
Try again, but when yo
Does 'play' work from a command line? If not, then In Xastir, File >
Configure > Audio Alarms
In the top box, change 'play' to 'vplay' or whatever is used on Ubuntu.
Let us know how it goes.
Darryl Gibson wrote:
I loaded my sound files, enabled sounds in Xastir, confirmed my box is
Steve Friis wrote:
I do like Fedora, but it sure is a B*?$% to get the wireless working on
my laptop. Kubuntu and Ubuntu both come up working wireless with no
sweat, but then getting all the libraries installed so that Xastir would
compile was anther matter.
Yea, that's cuz Fed
Only prob with Fedora in a 'production' type environment is it's
amazingly rapid release cycle. If you're up to upgrading once a year or
so - go for it. For me, it works - I like doing new stuff and playing.
That's what Fedora is for.
But if you need something that'll "last" for more than a ye
I've been working with Chuck to re-gain access to the documentation
Wiki. I did the initial FC5 'howto' there
( and wanted to add some notes after
playing with FC6. Only difference I ran across between FC5 and FC6 is
the Openmotif deal. In order to stick
Thanks Chuck!
That worked for the main site.
Talk to ya soon.
Chuck Byam wrote:
Try again...
Xastir mailing list
OK - found the main page 'forgotten' password stuff at - no idea if that'll also help with the
documentation wiki or not - but gave it a shot.
Resulte was:
Template Error: filename: file
/var/www/ does not exist.
Robbie - try this:
chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/xastir
This is covered and explained near the end of the Fedora HowTo on the wiki.
At the end of the section titled:" Get and compile Xastir from CVS"
Note, I believe this 'fix' will work fo
Hey all,
Here's the scoop. Fedora Core 5, gcc 4.1 installed, but have all the 322
'compatability' stuff installed. Least near as I can tell I do.
Need to compile an older app, fails miserably using 4.1. This app used
to compile faultlessly under RH 7.3 through 9.
I remember mplayer used to have
Hey Robbie,
Just so happens I just put one of these online for our help desk group
at work (yea, they get all the 'good' stuff. Me? I got the LJ-IIID w00t!
It's mine, all mine no one else's just me!! I don't even have to share
with myself if I don't want to. Bwahahahaa!).
I don't remember the 4 h
You can change the machine name in the file
When you do that, you also need to add your new name to /etc/hosts
You can put the new names on the same line as the localhost.localdomain.
Something like this: mobile-1.local mobile-1 localhost.localdomain localhost
Robbie, wa9inf wrote:
> I'm trying to do a complete install of Xastir and having difficulties
> with the "language" and terms of it all, however, I am trying.. I've
> tried to get a handle on Linux a few times but would give up, :-(
> Is there a text file, documentation, like a step by step file
Ain't that about like asking a motorcyle enthusiast group what oil to
use in their turboed engines??
About as many answers as there are engines.
Me? I use Fedora Core for all my linux needs - I find it runs cooler,
smoother and requires fewer filter changes :thumb up:
Curt, WE7U wrote:
Our fearless leader has other plans (I think). More to come.
Curt, WE7U. APRS Client Comparisons:
I was a gonna say, it's dead nuts to put up a wiki. I run 2 here myself.
One is the local amateur radio club's site, the other the local Lin
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