Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS Pools 1+TB

2008-08-27 Thread Claus Guttesen
Has anyone had issues with creating ZFS pools greater than 1 terabyte (TB)? I've created 11 LUNs from a Sun 2540 Disk array (approx 1 TB each). The host system ( SUN Enterprise 5220) reconizes the disks as each having 931GB space. So that should be 10+ TB in size total. However when I

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best layout for 15 disks?

2008-08-22 Thread Claus Guttesen
see, originally when i read about zfs it said it could expand to petabytes or something. but really, that's not as a single filesystem ? that could only be accomplished through combinations of pools? i don't really want to have to even think about managing two separate partitions - i'd

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best layout for 15 disks?

2008-08-22 Thread Claus Guttesen
Are there any benchmarks or numbers showing the performance difference using a 15 disk raidz2 zpool? I am fine sacrificing some performance but obviously don't want to make the machine crawl. It sounds like I could go with 15 disks evenly and have to sacrifice 3, but I would have 1 parity

Re: [zfs-discuss] more ZFS recovery

2008-08-11 Thread Claus Guttesen
| How would you describe the difference between the data recovery | utility and ZFS's normal data recovery process? The data recovery utility should not panic my entire system if it runs into some situation that it utterly cannot handle. Solaris 10 U5 kernel ZFS code does not have this

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-08-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
I installed solaris express developer edition (b79) on a supermicro quad-core harpertown E5405 with 8 GB ram and two internal sata-drives. I installed solaris onto one of the internal drives. I added an areca arc-1680 sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external

[zfs-discuss] zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I installed solaris express developer edition (b79) on a supermicro quad-core harpertown E5405 with 8 GB ram and two internal sata-drives. I installed solaris onto one of the internal drives. I added an areca arc-1680 sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
I installed solaris express developer edition (b79) on a supermicro quad-core harpertown E5405 with 8 GB ram and two internal sata-drives. I installed solaris onto one of the internal drives. I added an areca arc-1680 sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
I'm running the version that was supplied on the CD, this is from 2007-04-04. The firmware is V1.45 from 2008-3-27. Check the version at the Areca website. They may have a more recent driver there. The dates are later for the and there is a -71010 extension.

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs and jbod

2008-06-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
How is your setup working? Just curious! Thx. NV Waiting for some parts. :-/ But as soon as I have some information I'll post it. :-) -- regards Claus When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner. Shakespeare

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS NFS cannot write

2008-06-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
This is the first time I tried nfs with zfs. I shared the zfs filesystem with nfs, but i can't write to the files though i mount it as read-write. This is for Solaris 10 update 4. I wonder if there is a bug? ---server (sdw2-2) #zfs create -o sharenfs=on data/nfstest

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs raidz2 configuration mistake

2008-05-21 Thread Claus Guttesen
zpool add -f external c12t0d0p0 zpool add -f external c13t0d0p0 (it wouldn't work without -f, and I believe that's because the fs was online) No, it had nothing to do with the pool being online. It was because a single disk was being added to a pool with raidz2. The error message that

[zfs-discuss] zfs and jbod

2008-05-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I've ordered an areca ARC-1680 sas-adapter and supermicro 3U storage cabinet which can hold 16 sata-disks. The disks are WD RAID Edition 2 GP - 1000GB (server-edition). This will be a jbod-storage. My plan is to create one zpool and add disks in chunks of 10 disks in raidz2 and allocate one

Re: [zfs-discuss] nfs-ownership

2007-10-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
Is the mount using NFSv4? If so, there is likely a midguided mapping of the user/groups between the client and server. While not including BSD info, there is a little bit on NFSv4 user/group mappings at this blog: It defaults to nfs ver. 3. As a sidenote samba is

Re: [zfs-discuss] nfs-ownership

2007-10-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
I have created some zfs-partitions. First I create the home/user-partitions. Beneath that I create additional partitions. Then I have do a chown -R for that user. These partitions are shared using the sharenfs=on. The owner- and group-id is 1009. These partitions are visible as the

Re: [zfs-discuss] nfs-ownership

2007-10-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
Did you mount both the parent and all the children on the client ? No, I just assumed that the sub-partitions would inherit the same uid/gid as the parent. I have done a chown -R. Ahhh, the issue is not permissions, but how the NFS server sees the various directories to

[zfs-discuss] nfs-ownership

2007-10-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I have created some zfs-partitions. First I create the home/user-partitions. Beneath that I create additional partitions. Then I have do a chown -R for that user. These partitions are shared using the sharenfs=on. The owner- and group-id is 1009. These partitions are visible as the user

Re: [zfs-discuss] Sun's storage product roadmap?

2007-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
I can neither confirm nor deny that I can confirm or deny what somebody else said. -- richard No problem, just say yes or no! :-) -- regards Claus When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the

[zfs-discuss] server-reboot

2007-10-10 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. Just migrated to zfs on opensolaris. I copied data to the server using rsync and got this message: Oct 10 17:24:04 zetta ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=ff0007f1bc80: Oct 10 17:24:04 zetta genunix: [ID 683410 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ff0007f1b640 addr=fffecd873000

[zfs-discuss] creating zfs-home-partitions

2007-10-09 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I read the zfs getting started guided at;jsessionid=A64DABB3DF86B8FDBF8A3E281C30B8B2. I created zpool disk1 and created disk1/home and assigned /export/home to disk1/home as mountpoint. Then I create a user with 'zfs create

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs and small files

2007-09-24 Thread Claus Guttesen
The files are approx. 1 MB with an thumbnail of approx. 4 KB. So the 1 MB files are stored as ~8 x 128K recordsize. Because of 5003563 use smaller tail block for last block of object I tried to search for this but only saw references to this and similar threads. Is there a

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs and small files

2007-09-21 Thread Claus Guttesen
So the 1 MB files are stored as ~8 x 128K recordsize. Because of 5003563 use smaller tail block for last block of object The last block of you file is partially used. It will depend on your filesize distribution by without that info we can only guess that we're wasting an avg of

[zfs-discuss] zfs and small files

2007-09-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I have many small - mostly jpg - files where the original file is approx. 1 MB and the thumbnail generated is approx. 4 KB. The files are currently on vxfs. I have copied all files from one partition onto a zfs-ditto. The vxfs-partition occupies 401 GB and zfs 449 GB. Most files uploaded are

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs and small files

2007-09-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
Will a different volblocksize (during creation of the partition) make better use of the available diskspace? Will (meta)data require less space if compression is enabled? Just re-read the evil-tuning-guide and metadata is allready compressed

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs and small files

2007-09-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
I have many small - mostly jpg - files where the original file is approx. 1 MB and the thumbnail generated is approx. 4 KB. The files are currently on vxfs. I have copied all files from one partition onto a zfs-ditto. The vxfs-partition occupies 401 GB and zfs 449 GB. Most files uploaded

[zfs-discuss] change uid/god below 100

2007-09-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. Only indirectly related to zfs. I need to test diskusage/performance on zfs shared via nfs. I have installed nevada b64a. Historically uid/gid for user www has been 16/16 but when I try to add uid/gid www via smc with the value 16 I'm not allowed to do so. I'm coming from a FreeBSD

Re: [zfs-discuss] change uid/god below 100

2007-09-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
Only indirectly related to zfs. I need to test diskusage/performance on zfs shared via nfs. I have installed nevada b64a. Historically uid/gid for user www has been 16/16 but when I try to add uid/gid www via smc with the value 16 I'm not allowed to do so. I'm coming from a FreeBSD

Re: [zfs-discuss] change uid/god below 100

2007-09-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
Only indirectly related to zfs. I need to test diskusage/performance on zfs shared via nfs. I have installed nevada b64a. Historically uid/gid for user www has been 16/16 but when I try to add uid/gid www via smc with the value 16 I'm not allowed to do so. I'm coming from a FreeBSD

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: Re: ZFS Apple WWDC Keynote Absence

2007-06-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
I would suggest that this thread will be moved to an apple-related list since it has nothing to do with zfs anymore. Hmm, I don't know how you figure this has nothing to do with zfs. This is all about zfs and seems to me zfs-discuss is the perfect thread for it. Because the discussion

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS Apple WWDC Keynote Absence

2007-06-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
Perhaps Jonathan Schwartz really didn't want ZFS in OS X - Solaris competition - and he knew that if he did pre-announce ZFS in OS X that Steve Jobs would drop it just to get back at him. Maybe this was intentionally done by Schwartz to keep ZFS out of a competing OS. Just a thought. Whatever

Re: [zfs-discuss] Preparing to compare Solaris/ZFS and FreeBSD/ZFS performance.

2007-05-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
I have just (re)installed FreeBSD amd64 current with gcc 4.2 with src from May. 21'st on a dual Dell PE 2850. Does the post-gcc-4-2 current include all your zfs-optimizations? I have commented out INVARIANTS, INVARIANTS_SUPPORT, WITNESS and WITNESS_SKIPSPIN in my kernel and recompiled with

Re: [zfs-discuss] Preparing to compare Solaris/ZFS and FreeBSD/ZFS performance.

2007-05-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
Won't disabling ZIL minimize the chance of a consistent zfs- filesystem if - for some reason - the server did an unplanned reboot? ZIL in ZFS is only used to speed-up various workloads, it has nothing to do with file system consistency. ZFS is always consistent on disk no matter if you

Re: [zfs-discuss] Preparing to compare Solaris/ZFS and FreeBSD/ZFS performance.

2007-05-24 Thread Claus Guttesen
I'm all set for doing performance comparsion between Solaris/ZFS and FreeBSD/ZFS. I spend last few weeks on FreeBSD/ZFS optimizations and I think I'm ready. The machine is 1xQuad-core DELL PowerEdge 1950, 2GB RAM, 15 x 74GB-FC-10K accesses via 2x2Gbit FC links. Unfortunately the links to disks

[zfs-discuss] zfs and jbod-storage

2007-05-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I'm managing a HDS storage system which is slightly larger than 100 TB and we have used approx. 3/4. We use vxfs. The storage system is attached to a solaris 9 on sparc via a fiberswitch. The storage is shared via nfs to our webservers. If I was to replace vxfs with zfs I could utilize

Re: [zfs-discuss] Very Large Filesystems

2007-04-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
I'm currently using 4 TB partitions with vxfs. When hosted on FreeBSD I was limited to 2 TB but using UFS2/FreeBSD was impractical for several reasons. With vxfs 4 TB is a practical limit, when files are Could you please give some hints on these reasons? I only know that FreeBSDs UFS2 is not

Re: [zfs-discuss] tape-backup software (was: Very Large Filesystems)

2007-04-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
Speaking of backup-software. I heard that legato supports zfs but is anyone using zfs and legato or some other backup-software that can handle multi-TB-file systems (in production)? -- regards Claus ___ zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS on FreeBSD vs Solaris...

2007-04-23 Thread Claus Guttesen
Over the weekend I got ZFS up and running under FreeBSD and have had much the same experience with it that I have with Solaris - it works great out of the box and once configured, it is easy to forget about. So far the only real difference is anything you might tune via /etc/system (or mdb) is

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS for Linux (NO LISCENCE talk, please)

2007-04-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
Gents, how come this thread - without any relation to zfs at all - is discussed on this list? Do move this irrelevant thread to another fora. My intentions subscribing to this list was *not* to read about lay-man's perception of this nor that license! regards Claus On 4/18/07, Shawn Walker

Re: Re[2]: [zfs-discuss] ZFS and Linux

2007-04-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
And then you complain you can't get zfs or nvidia or wifi or ... drivers, because you want that drivers and you want to force those companies to give them for you under GPLv2. Some companies try to go around that problem and there's still no consensus if it's legal or not - but everyone is happy

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: error-message from a nexsan-storage

2007-03-30 Thread Claus Guttesen
Try throttling back the max # of IOs. I saw a number of errors similar to this on Pillar and EMC. In /etc/system, set: set sd:sd_max_throttle=20 and reboot. I have added the setting and rebooted. I'm doing the same tests now and will know in a day or so if I can avoid the error (from the

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: error-message from a nexsan-storage

2007-03-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
Try throttling back the max # of IOs. I saw a number of errors similar to this on Pillar and EMC. In /etc/system, set: set sd:sd_max_throttle=20 and reboot. I have added the setting and rebooted. I'm doing the same tests now and will know in a day or so if I can avoid the error (from the

[zfs-discuss] error-message from a nexsan-storage

2007-03-26 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I have a nexsan atabeast with 2 raid-controllers each with 21 disks @ 400 GB. Each raid-controller has five raid-5 LUN's and one hotspare. The solaris is from 2006/11. I have created a single raidz2 tank from the ten LUN's. The raid-conroller is connected to a Dell PE 2650 with two qlogic

Re: [zfs-discuss] number of lun's that zfs can handle

2007-02-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
Our main storage is a HDS 9585V Thunder with vxfs and raid5 on 400 GB sata disk handled by the storage system. If I would migrate to zfs that would mean 390 jbod's. How so? Do you mean whether the hds can be turned in to a (rather large) jbod storage system? I just found out yesterday that

Re: Re[4]: [zfs-discuss] number of lun's that zfs can handle

2007-02-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
Our main storage is a HDS 9585V Thunder with vxfs and raid5 on 400 GB sata disk handled by the storage system. If I would migrate to zfs that would mean 390 jbod's. How so? CG Do you mean whether the hds can be turned in to a (rather large) jbod CG storage system? I just found out

[zfs-discuss] number of lun's that zfs can handle

2007-02-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
Hi. I have tested zfs for a while and is very impressed with the ease one can create filesystems (tanks). I'm about to try it out on a atabeast with 42 ata 400 GB disks for internal use, mailny as a fileserver. If this goes well (as I assume it will) I'll consider to desploy zfs on a larger