> Are there any benchmarks or numbers showing the performance difference using 
> a 15 disk raidz2 zpool? I am fine sacrificing some performance but obviously 
> don't want to make the machine crawl.
> It sounds like I could go with 15 disks evenly and have to sacrifice 3, but I 
> would have 1 parity disk on each 7 disk raidz1 zpool and a hot spare to cover 
> a failure on either pool:
> zpool create tank \
> raidz disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 \
> raidz disk8 disk9 disk10  disk11 disk12 disk13 disk14 \
> spare disk15

If space is not your first priority I'd go for a zpool with two
raidz2-set each with 8 disk. Then you still have 12 disks at your


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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