August 30, 2001 
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SPONSORED BY: Rave Computer Association
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"Sun updates Forte for Java" 
Forte for Java Release 3 is ready to go. Check out Sun's Web site for
your free download. The full shrink-wrap version with documentation
and support should be available Sept. 10. 


Check out our Featured Topic section on Java at
The pot is full and fresh.

[1] "Sun predicts another loss"
[2] "Superdome Unix server sales on upswing, says HP"
[3] "Feds thwart Code Red mutant" 
[4] "EU widens its probe of Microsoft" 

[1] "Sun predicts another loss"
Sun is seeing more red. The company has predicted another losing
quarter thanks in part to a dearth of demand in Europe and Asia. Sun
says it is not losing deals to IBM or HP, although this week Big Blue
has scored a deal at Sun's expense. The NYSE and the American Stock
Exchange will move their e-mail systems to IBM servers running Linux
-- giving 180 Sun servers the heave-ho.

SOURCE: Mercury News


[2] "Superdome Unix server sales on upswing, says HP"
HP's top-shelf Unix server has a healthy sales pulse. A company
official says Superdome sales are picking up after a slow start out
of the gate. Why the slow start? One analyst blames a marketing
letdown and a fat price tag. 

SOURCE: ComputerWorld


[3] "Feds thwart Code Red mutant" 
The FBI is trying to catch a virus. The Bureau says someone is trying
to spread a mutated version of Code Red -- some 6,000 computers could
have caught it. Agents have warrants for arrest and hope to catch
some culprits before they do more damage. One agent says to be
vigilant about keeping IIS patched and antivirus software current.

SOURCE: Network World


[4] "EU widens its probe of Microsoft" 
The "eastern front" of Microsoft's legal battle is making news this
week. The European Commission is taking a closer look at the Media
Player/Windows relationship to see if the bundle is illegal. The EU
also thinks Microsoft may have not told vendors about other
companies' server software that would work with Redmond's products. 

SOURCE: Reuters


This week's searchSolaris Featured Topic is "Sun and the storage
market." See all of our storage resources at

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http://searchsolaris.discussions.techtarget.com/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]^0@/searchsolaris.


"Storage Innovators" 
Our weekly "Storage Innovators" tips are a great place to go for
ideas on how to construct storage networks.

SOURCE: searchSolaris

See all of our hand-picked BEST WEB LINKS at

A look at an off-the-wall story from the Web... 

"Porn sites billed users for exotic ports of call - FTC"
Madagascar is a place where lemurs live and where some phone
customers go to get ripped off. Two adult Web site operators in the
U.S. are settling up charges that they connected their subscribers
via an international phone line to Madagascar (that huge island in
the Indian Ocean). Of course, those subscribers had no idea what was
going on until they got their phone bills and noticed unspeakable
sums in the "pay this amount" column. They probably could have flown
to the island in first class for a cheaper rate. The sites are paying
back more than $26,000 to settle the charges.

SOURCRE: Newsbytes


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