> All,


> Please pardon my naivete.


> I was looking at the diagram on the URL

> listed below and contemplating how host

> fingerprinting prevents MITM attacks.


> http://www.vandyke.com/solutions/ssh_overview/ssh_overview_threats.html


> So my question is this... Given the

> illustration in the URL above, what

> prevents Eve from *first* contacting Alice

> to obtain a fingerprint which then gets

> passed to Bob on the first connection

> attempt?

The host key fingerprint isn't actually

passed between server and client.

Instead, the server provides the entire

public portion of the host key and the client

generates the fingerprint using a hashing


The first time Bob (a client) attempts to

connect to Alice (a server), Bob is

responsible for validating the public portion

of the host key.  Typically Bob would compare

the generated fingerprint to a fingerprint

requested of Alice by some other means (e.g

phone conversation, secure web site, etc.).

During the initial setup of the SSH

connection, the server is required to use its

private portion of the host key to generate a

signature.  This signature is verified by the

client using the public portion of the host


Therefore, even if Eve (MITM/WITM) has the

public portion of Alice's host key, Eve

cannot successfully pretend to be Alice since

Eve does not possess the private portion of

Alice's host key which is required to

generate a valid signature.

Additionally, if Eve attempts to fool Bob by

presenting a different host key, the

fingerprint Bob generates will not match the

fingerprint provided by Alice as described


You can find more "light reading" on the

subject of MITM attacks related to SSH in

section 9.3.4 of the SSH Protocol

Architecture RFC:


There is also a white paper treating the

topic of host keys that you might find



Does this information help clarify?


Jake Devenport

VanDyke Software Technical Support

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