> tool & it was able to detect the passwords for POP3 clients,FTP &
> requests.!! Can someone tel me how to encrypt passwords for these
> tools?

Although Outlook has many problems, this isn't one of them.  This is a
protocol issue.  POP3, FTP, and HTTP are plaintext protocols, including
the authentication procedure.  The only solutions to avoid getting
hacked are:

1) Only use these protocols across trusted networks
2) Tunnel these protocols through SSH or some other encryption
3) Use a VPN of some type (but NOT Microsoft PPTP!).

An alternative protocol to POP3 is S/IMAP, which is encrypted using
SSL.  For FTP you can use SFTP (part of the SSH suite of utilities) and
instead of HTTP, there's always HTTPS, which also uses SSL encryption.

I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to determine how to
implement these.

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