I'm a fan of most firewalls, and you're going to find good and bad things about all 
types.  Some people are so ANTI-THIS or ANTI-THAT that they can't separate fact from 
fiction...but, in your case, consider the Cisco PIX, probably a 525 or 515 series.

High speed, over 125,000 - 280,000 concurrent connections, and I am currently using 
the failover feature and it works as advertised.  I have these protecting a business 
critical function and they do very well.  I'm also a fan of having the configuration 
right in front of me...with a Cisco device, that's what you get with the show conf 
command...no hidden objects or a ton of things you have to drill down into...

My $.02...

Original Message:
Date: 12 Nov 2001 21:42:14 -0000
Subject: What firewall?


 I\'m about to buy a firewall, and I wonder if you people could give me some advices 
that could help me decide which one that fits me best. See, I\'m quite new with this.

 So, this firewall should protect a quite big serverpark. It has to deal with a lot of 
information. It might be necessary to use two devices. If it is, the information will 
be divided upon these two with a load balancer. No special needs for VPN.

 I\'ve been thinking about using Watchguard Firewall 2500 or 4500. I know that 4500 
handles VPN though.

 Is this a good choice? Is there sites on the net where products are compared and 
where you could see the good and the bad of each one?

Thanks / Martin Andersson

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