VNC can be tunnelled over an SSL connection, but VNC is slow anyway.  Every
site I have worked on has used different remote admin software, from
PCAnywhere, to Remote Administrator (not bad for $29, I must admit), to CA
ControlIT.  However, we always use a VPN to allow certain blocks access and
deny all others.  Generally the only allowed IP's are from the office, so
access from home requires that you VPN to the office network, and then once
you have been assigned an IP there, shooting over to the CoLo via Cisco
router to router VPN.  This solution was even tolerable over a 56k dialup
connection with ControlIT and Remote Administrator, PCA and VNC were just
sad at low speeds.

Chris Curtiss
Technical Operations

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt LYNCH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:17 PM
Subject: Remote Admin of DMZ

I have been given the task of administering a web server contained within a
DMZ. I am OK with the admin side of things but would prefer for time reasons
to be able to remotely administer this machine. I have always used
PCAnywhere, VNC and the MMC. But I now cannot use these due to the security
risk. Does anyone else remote admin inside a DMZ and if so how??

All machine are NT 4.0, I use a W2K desktop. (Free would be nice, but I am
also interested if there are commercial solutions available).

Thanks in advance


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