That is a SERIOUS flaw.  Not because programs might connect to the internet
before it loads, but because the host isn't protected from remote attacks
until the user is logged on.

At this point, I would recommend to the original poster to drop ZA and go
with Tiny Personal Firewall ( since it does run as a
service.  Then it will load immediately, even before the user logs on.

If you insist on using ZA, then download Fire Daemon (
and get it to load ZA as a service.  Otherwise, drop the software.  If the
folks at Zone Labs can't write a firewall that will load as a service, than
I would avoid their software altogether.


-----Original Message-----
From: GZ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: Loading the ZoneAlarm firewall early


>> I would like to have [ZA] loaded as soon as possible...

A potential weakness of Zone Alarm is during that period of time before it
starts up. Zone Labs even states in their documentation that programs that
connect to the internet before ZA starts up may not be blocked by the

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