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>       This is true on current technology, but MIT, US Govt., England 
> etc. etc. are working on quantum computers that can break DES in 
> a few min. How much computer power do these governments have? 
> Way beyond terahertz, but have they hit petahertz?

Well, first.. You should gain a good feeling for the difference between
linear growth and exponential growth.  As you add bits to a crypto
system's keysize, the computing power needed to do an exhaustive brute
force attack increases exponentially.  As you increase the clock speed
of a computer, you only increase the computing power linearly.  So if a
super computer running at 100 gigahertz (I kept this intentionally low)
can break a 56-bit system using an exhaustive brute force attack in 1
minute, it would take a twice as much computing power to break a 57-bit
system under the same method..  If we keep following the progression, we
will clearly see the difference between exponential growth and linear

 Clock speed    keysize
- -------------  ---------
200 Ghz         57-bit
400 Ghz         58-bit
800 Ghz         59-bit
1.56 Thz        60-bit
50 Thz          65-bit
1.56 Petahertz  70-bit
6871947673600 Petahertz would be needed to brute force the same system
with double the keysize.. 112-bits..

This is why distributed computing is a good idea, but it will never beat
exponential growth, because it can only achieve a linear increase in
computational power.  This is a problem inherent in an exhaustive brute
force approach.

I read someone mentioning something about using differential
cryptanalysis on 3DES...  Something like that would certainly be the way
to go, but differential cryptanalysis won't even work on single DES..
It'll only work if you're using reduced rounds.. (I'm pretty sure I'm
right on this, but please correct me if I'm wrong).

So, everyone turns to quantum computers as the next big thing for code
breaking.  Peter Shor's quantum factoring algorithm is magic.. If you're
got enough qbits, you can pick a number less than N, feed in an f(x), do
a quick FFT, and boom.. You can divine the original factors.  This is
great for breaking an asymmetric cryptosystem like RSA.  But it's not
going to do anything against a symmetric block cipher like DES or 3DES.

What we need for that is a way to do an exhaustive brute force using
quantum computing.  Well, a quantum computer is certainly suited for
doing brute force operations.. It could theoretically do everything in a
single massive parallel step.  The tricky part is getting the system to
decohere into the correct superposition that contains the solution.
Luckily, Lov Grover has provided us with an algorithm that can do that..
And I believe he even proved that his algorithm is the fastest way to do
a search using quantum computation.  The runtime of this algorithm is
O(sqrt(N)).  In short, polynomial runtime...  This is much better than
the linear improvement we saw before using conventional computation, but
it's still not enough to keep up with exponential growth..

Assuming a quantum computer can perform quantum operations (inverting
about the average) at the same speed as the hypothetical supercomputer
used in the example before, a 112-bit symmetric block cipher could be
cracked using exhaustive brute force on the quantum computer at about
the same speed as the conventional computer.  But, a 256-bit cipher on
the quantum computer would take the same time/power as a 128-bit cipher
on the conventional computer... Which turns out to be something like
8.98 x10^17 years.

So I guess what I'm saying is.. Exponential growth is hardcore.  Using
existing quantum computing algorithms, there is a significant threat on
ciphers that are based around the problem of factoring, and a mild
threat against those who aren't.  But until someone figures out some new
quantum algorithms, if you simply use crypto systems that aren't based
on factoring, and double your keysizes.. You don't really even have to
worry about the theoretical possibilities of quantum computation...

- --
Jon Erickson         Cryptologist and Security Designer          Caspian
415.974.7081  D49B 4561 1078 0A72 DDF3 7250 8EF4 4681 587E 41DD  1728748

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