No, absolutely not.  There are mechanisms built into 3DES to prevent exactly
this.  To keep it simple (at the risk of oversimplifying it), it uses random
numbers in the encryption process to prevent the same data from producing
the same ciphertext.  So, send the same packet twice, get 2 different blocks
of ciphertext.  That way, if you knew the data and captured the ciphertext
before unencryption, you can't reverse engineer it.  Also, you can't keep
punching in different data at one end and reading the ciphertext on the wire
until you match the new ciphertext with previously captured ciphertext.

And on top of all that, a good VPN implementation will change encryption
keys every couple of MBs of data and/or every few minutes.  That way, keys
are only available for those types of attacks for short periods of time.

Don't forget, there is a lot more to a secure VPN than the strength of the
encryption algorithm.  :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Salman Siddiqui [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 1:08 PM
To: 'Security-Basics List'
Subject: RE: Has 3des been broken

VPN's pass a huge amount of data. A lot of that data is repetitive and

Given these two factors and sheer volume of data given, it may be
possible to extrapolate the keys from crypto.

Any thoughts on this?


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