I suggest that you find a lawyer fast. One who understands technology.

What ever you come up, you need to make sure that you run it by what ever
firm is handling your professional liablity insurance.

Oh, don't have have professional liablity insurance?
Better think twice. The corp's can afford the legal talent, can you?


-----Original Message-----
From: dumbwabbit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 4:08 PM
Subject: Help with legal document - network probing agreement

Hi all.

I'm trying to become more involved with infosec as it
pertains to independent consulting, network auditing,
security advisor status etc. I have worked as CSO/MIS
for a mid-sized firm for the last 2 years, and a small
company for 3 years before that.

My current job function at my full-time position
involves extensive testing, probing, monitoring,
implementing and researching network security.

I have 2 friends who own ISPs (in partnership with
others), and we have been discussing the possibilities
of their using my services as an independent security

What I need help with is information on how to compose
valid legal documents which allow me to act in this
capacity for them. I have no legal background to speak
of, and we all want to make sure that we are covered
in this aspect before we commence security analysis.
We just want to make sure that we cover any potential
issues regarding the legalities of my performing these
types of network analysis for them.
Could anyone on this list possibly provide me with any
links to this type of legal document templates,
policies, laws and anything else that we may need to
I have tried searching Google, CERT, SANS and some
other sites, but to no avail. Plenty of stuff on
internal IT policies etc., but I haven't been able to
find anything really specific to independent
I would rather not even run a simple nmap probe etc.
on their networks without CYA for all parties
Someone suggested to me that simple document stating:
"I hereby authorize [consultant] to analyze and probe
my networks for potential security issues, with the
agreement that any information gathered will be kept
strictly confidential amongst the involved parties."
And then signed by all involved and notarized. Doesn't
seem to be enough to me.

Any helpful suggestions MOST appreciated!

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