I agree that both Apache and IIS need hardening and protecting (I run both).
But.......there have been n Microsoft Security Bulletins regarding
vulnerabilities in IIS, but few such issues for Apache. A hardened and
protected IIS doesn't give me peace of mind, because I believe, given recent
history, that there will be a new vulnerability found in the not-too-distant
future, one which all the hardening and protecting in the world will not
protect my systems from, because the vulnerability is usually in the code,
not just the configuration. Apache just doesn't seem to have issues with the

Regards, Steve
-----Original Message-----
From: Hornat, Charles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 January 2002 19:03
To: 'Baba Bogdan'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: IIS

I recently read a statistic that said apache is hacked more than IIS web
servers.  and I have also seen statistics go the other way.  I did a quick
search in google to try and see if I could find a solid believable
statistic, and was unsuccessful.  I found many individuals stating facts
without citing their references.

Besides this, Does it really matter what web server you choose?  I have
worked with many and would answer this with, the system is as secure as the
administrator of that system is knowledgeable.  I know administrators who
can secure an IIS server and others who can secure Apache.  Its like asking
which os is the most secure?  There isn't really an answer.  

I am doing a study right now on OS's, and which are the most secure out of
the box and out of the box with the latest security patches applied.  The
study consist of operating systems like Solaris 6 and 8, redhat, windows and
so on.  We are using the latest nessus and nmap to scan the boxes and will
be writing our findings up on each os.  

Lets face it, Apache isn't more secure than IIS.  They are both vulnerable
unless hardened and protected.


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Standard & Poor's

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