My company has contracted with a vendor to install, 
configure, and maintain an off-the-shelf project 
management system for use on a project that will last 
3 years. The vendor is responsible for 
implementation and overall day-to-day administration 
of the application level security for the system to 
restrict access to modules and documents users 
can view or edit.  Users of the system include outside 
contractors.  The application is installed on our 
company servers, which we secure network access 
rights to the system.  At the end of the project, the 
vendor will hand-over the system as well as the data 
to our company.  I have reviewed the contract that we 
have with the vendor and found that it does not 
specify any computer security related requirements 
that the vendor must follow to protect the 
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data 
from unauthorized use.  Since the vendor’s IT staff 
has overall access to the system, I am concern that 
they might not use our data appropriately. Because 
the system runs on our network, I am also concern 
that users of the system may inappropriately use our 
network or worst yet compromise the security of 
other sensitive Company systems.  Off the top of my 
head, those are my concerns.  Can anyone think of 
any additional concerns?  Are there links or 
resources that give samples of contract terms and 
conditions that relate to computer security and 
protection of data confidentiality, integrity, and 
availability?  Should the contract include a “Right to 
audit” clause, disclosure agreement on proprietary 
information, appropriate use guidelines for accessing 
our company network and penalty for non-
compliance?  Sorry for being so long winded.  I hope 
someone could point me in the right direction.  Thanks

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