do not believe that you are safe 'cause these rfc1918 are not routeable. 
The trouble starts when someone (the bad guy) owns your machine.. from 
its real addr. He sits there, and launch any type of attacks he wants to 
= against your lan (note he IS in your lan at this moment) or against 
others, in the outside world.

You must sleep with just only one eye. The other must read the logs, 
every other minute.

final: he is *not* connecting to a invalid addr. He take over your 
machine thru the valid, then stay there, looking at your lan.

Jason Jaszewski wrote:

>     In my (thus far) limited understanding of NAT, I was informed that 
> because NAT creates the socket, it would be difficult to connect to a 
> box with a Private IP remotely without some kind of software previously 
> installed. However, based on previous list emails about the (in)security 
> of NAT, I question this. Are there apps out there that could "trick" the 
> NAT box (or router) into making a connection with another machine? Even 
> without remote admin software installed, assuming the conditions above?
>     Thanks in advance for answering my curiosity.....



irado furioso com tudo.
Linux User (SuSE) 179.402
frio/calor.dia/noite.amor/ódio (mais dêste do que daquêle). 
estrêlas/buracos negros. anjos/demônios..O universo é binário, portanto 
deus é um imenso computador. Sem lógica, naturalmente (talvez com 
programas da M$hit)

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