No answer from me on this one. I know plenty about these things, but I will
not be a party to the proliferation of their use. I am viciously opposed to
KeyLoggers in the workplace - or anywhere else for that matter. If someone is
intruding on the computer space of other employees, I would highly suggest
Access Control software and a strong passphrase/password policy that is
enforced. There is some VERY GOOD access control software that is even
available as freeware, though I think good AC software is worth its weight in
gold. Sorry to be firm in my answer, I don't intend it to be hostile, but as a
security professional and one who helps those maintain privacy and own a
computer too, I cannot support the use of KeyLoggers.
Good luck!

>===== Original Message From Michael Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>It looks like as if somebody in our company is misusing
>the pcs of others. We have already changed passwords and stuff.
>But nevertheless I want to install some kind of logging software on pcs
>which we left open. The audit policy on NT4 (which is the os of those
>pcs) is not enough. Does anybody know good logging software that is
>free. It would be good if this could be installed without
>Admin rights.
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