Hi Michael,

Before even considering the specifics of installing surveillance devices,
do consider what you are trying to accomplish. Be clear as to what your
company's intentions are. Are they to simply fire this individual or
perhaps press charges. Perhaps you have already done this, but in either
case I would advise you to review your company's HR policies before
proceeding. Ensure that your HR policy specifically states that your
employees may be closely monitored for internal security purposes. Also
ensure that the suspect has signed off understanding and acceptance of
these policies. If not, you may want to coordinate this operation with
your company's lawyers as you may or may not be violating this
individual's privacy rights, if any.

If your company does intend to press charges, I would encourage you to
enlist the services of a computer forensic investigator to assist in
collecting evidence that can be admissible in the court of law. There are
very strict procedures that need to be followed in order to meet
admissibility requirements. Also consider the possibility that this
individual files a wrongful dismissal suit. Having evidence on your side
collected in accordance with the law may help prevent the suit from
progressing any further.

Also consider the possibility that once you begin monitoring this
individual, you are witness to other, unrelated, criminal acts. You may be
required by law to report this activity to the proper law enforcement
authority. If proper procedure was not followed from the beginning, that
evidence may or may not be admissible; making law enforcement's job that
much more difficult.

John Daniele
Technical Security & Intelligence
Toronto, ON
Voice: (416) 605-2041
Web:   http://www.tsintel.com

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Michael Ullrich wrote:

> It looks like as if somebody in our company is misusing
> the pcs of others. We have already changed passwords and stuff.
> But nevertheless I want to install some kind of logging software on pcs
> which we left open. The audit policy on NT4 (which is the os of those
> pcs) is not enough. Does anybody know good logging software that is
> free. It would be good if this could be installed without
> Admin rights.
> Thanx
> Mike
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