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On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Mário Behring wrote:

> Does anybody know some good tool for testing a small environment for
> vulnerabilities ?

nessus, nmap, tcpdump, iptraf, hunt, dsniff, so on.
you can find all of these by google.

> 1- A web server hosted at an IDC (Internet Data Center)

what web sw software? if you are not the want to run this host then it is
untrusted for you.

> 2- A router connected to the IDC via a link (T1 or something)

who runs it? you or the IDC?

> 3- One Microsoft ISA Server running as a firewall with 2 NICs, one
> connected to the Router described on item 2 and the other connected to the
> internal network.

No comment.

> 4- A Database server - Oracle running on Windows 2000 Server in the
> internal network. This DB will be accessed by Internet users that visit
> the website (located at the web server described in item 1) depending on
> the options they choose at the web page.

well, is it used for other purposes too?
put it in dmz.

> - Should I put a real firewall in place (Firewall-1 or Raptor for example)

well, because none of these have real oracle sql proxy, I don't recommend
to use them. You may try gauntlet which has a real sgl-gw.

or if you want a tcp-plug or just stateful packet filter, then use linux
2.4.17 or later instead. it's for free.

> - Should I create a DMZ and put this DB server there ?

yes. it's not a question.

I suggest you move from w2k to some unix or linux for the oracle server

- -------------------------
Narancs v1
IT Security Administrator
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