Thanks alot guys, sometimes I need that concensus.  OpenBSD is my first choice usually 
when I have to build something that needs to be secure.  I just wanted to see if 
anyone though linux with iptables might be a better choice than OPenBSD with pf, for 
some reason.

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 19:28:47 +0100
DocValde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo Enphourell Security,
> am Samstag, 26. Januar 2002 um 10:27:50 schrieben Sie:
> ES>  Which OS do you guys think would make the best firewall, OpenBSD or Linux?
> What a question! My first thought was "The one you're most familiar
> with!". But well, OpenBSD shouts to the world:"4 1/2 years without
> remote vulnerability!". I think the difference minimizes when you are
> a pro in Debian Linux, for example. Other thoughts?
> Doc.
> --
> DocValde
> web:

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