Oh, believe me, I prefer someone who has years of hands on experience and no
certifications.  Anyone can have a piece of paper that "says" they know
something, but true knowledge doesn't come with a certificate or a degree or
a diploma.


-----Original Message-----
From: irado furioso com tudo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Verification of Certifications

IMHO, you can ask to everyone to send their's certifications (xerox)
along with respectives resumès. BTW, you can block very good people
whose are not certified at all, but since you never will know this, it
will not botter you, will it?? ;-)


Shawn Stewart wrote:

 > Is there
 > any way to verify a person's certification from the vendors who authorize
 > the certifications?



irado furioso com tudo.
Linux User (SuSE) 179.402
a fé move montanhas. Mas tratores são mais eficientes e exigem menos
esfôrço de 'fé', êsse estranho departamento. Afinal, acreditando ou não,
o trator manda a montanha embora. Já a fé.. cadê o mapa com o antes e o

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