Hi Folks

Back after a long time, but I have been reading all your posts over the
weekends and grealty enjoy it and sets me thinking while I drive on Highway

"Quick Question" :-) on troubleshooting / debugging Firewall Issues.

What are the issues on a Firewall the hardest to identify and diagnose and
do any of the available firewalls today satisfy all the customers need of
being able to troubleshoot the firewall using debug, show , statistics etc.


What would comprise a wish list of a Tech Support Engineer troubleshooting a
Firewall. ( lets not ask why the developers do not implement all of these.
That would be different subject guys )

Lets us split the issue in sub topics and then the sub topic matter experts
could give out their views :-

Question : What are the common issues with a Firewall ?
- Rules related

-Config related. Administrator configured something ( other than rule), that
screws up something. Say a duplicate IP etc.
      - Catching this error is a non-issue

- Performance related
        - Internal users complaining of slow network and say the Firewall is
causing this.

- Intrusion

- Denial of Service

I am writing a paper on Firewall troubleshooting and debugging aids
available in todays firewalls. Any inputs will be appreciated and certaily I
will shoot out my paper  out to anyone interested.

This document should be of interest to people who are writing code for
firewall, troubleshooting firewall and the thinking class working on future
generation firewalls.

Pradeep Kumar

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