I wrote just a Perl script a few months ago (shameless plug).  It's called Scrambled 
Eggs and can be found at http://ljcomputing.net/scrambled_eggs.htm

I'm also very hurt, because it is listed on Freshmeat.  Maybe I need to change how 
it's presented.....hum...

It uses Perl, the Perl Crypt::CBC module, and your choice of encryption (DES or 
Blowfish).  I have not tested it on a WIN32 system, but it's Perl and should work with 
little modification to the script.  The modules it requires MAY need some work.  It's 
also open source.

It's still very Beta and needs some work to fine tune it and flexibility (ie support a 
broader base of encryption).

If anyone finds it useful and wants to contribute, let me know.

Jim Willmore

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 21:29:26 -0800

> Hash: SHA1
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good software application (free/open 
>source)that will enable me to store and organize my passwords.
> I am looking for something that will work in Linux/BSD (console based, not for 
>gnome/kde) AND Windows, so that I could share the encrypted data file whether I am 
>working on *nix or Windows environment. Something that provides a selection of 
>encryption algorithms will be good.
> I am at loss on how to manage my web,e-mail,ras,ssh,etc.. accounts.
> Freshmeat/Sourceforge search produces nothing worthy.
> rfc
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> =Le+W

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