
I'm going to assume you're not behind any sort of firewall on your side..

Verizon's TOS say that users are allowed to run services, however they
block inbound port 80 on their routers. You cannot run a web server. (Some
may be able to, based on different account types, or possibly even
misconfigured local setups to them).

Verizon also blocks you from connecting to port 25 of any machine outside
of your subnet, so you are forced to use their mail server, to prevent
spam. (MSN, Earthlink, AOL.. All do it as well)

Your best bet would to be run the web server on an off port, like 8080,
and if you can, run www.yourdomain.com on another machine, that just has a
redirect to http://homebox.domain.com:8080

This isn't really security related, but I Hope it helps.

DH> If I do a "netstat -na --ip" it tells me it is listening on
DH> port 80 just fine, just like ssh is, but when I go to
DH> connect from a browser it just times out.  I made
DH> sure there were no iptable rules prohibiting it from
DH> connecting, and can also connect fine from the
DH> inside the LAN.  To further troubleshoot I did
DH> a "tcpdump -i any port 80" and nothing comes up
DH> when I try to go to my address.  It is almost as if it is
DH> being blocked before it even reaches my machine.
DH> Like I said ssh works fine on it from a remote
DH> machine.  I am using verizon-dsl.  Any help would be
DH> greatly appreciated.
DH> Thanks,
DH> Drew

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