Hello, Rob

As some of our fellow Subscribers have posted sugestions like Content
Advisor. Content Advisor is a way to go to a certian extent. First this you
would need to do is generate a list of accepted sites. As in Sites that your
users need to do thier jobs. Then go to a client PC, Go into Content Advisor
and set it password(do not forget it) and add those sites. Also add one or
two restrictive sites. Then apply changes and ok/close out of Internet
Explorer and open up your registry (proceed @ your own risk) Start/Run
"Regedit" go to
s. Select Ratings, go to Registry Menu, "Export Registry File" and save it
as what ever you want *.reg

Now that you have the Reg file with all your settings you can add it to your
user's login scripts that you want to restrict. command that you place in
the script/batch is regedit.exe /y \\the\files\location\filename.reg or a
mapped location

Note to make changes go to the reg file: You need to make the changes to a
PC that currently is running your reg file or execute it(Make sure IE isn't
open @ the time to make changes work).  Then make you changes rexport the
reg file and there you go...

Now what I ment by certian extent: Some website may not work with content
advisor... They will load really slow or just keep on popping up the content
advisor to enter the password to allow that site access.

hope this helps...

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 8:40 AM
To: Focus-MS ([EMAIL PROTECTED]); Security-Basics
Subject: Internet Explorer 5.x/6

I am looking for a way to restrict access to sites for some of my clients
without using a proxy/firewall solution.
Is there a way to restrict Internet Explorer to a predefined list of hosts
or create a custom list of approved sites with a deny all at the end?


Rob Weiss

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