Sorry, I should have mentioned that the system is actually Redhat 7.0. I'm
currently reinstalling Linux according to some guidelines set down in an
article by Lance Spitzner - Armoring Linux, I think it's called.

Has anyone else used this article, and if so is it useful? I'm sure it
should provide some improvement over my original installation.

At the moment I'm using Firestarter as my firewall program - is that any
good? Anybody else used it? For some reason (whether it was the uni or a
false positive) Firestarter claimed I was being attacked with a DoS by
Imperial College!

I've been reading some of the articles at Linux Firewall Tools, they're
pretty useful.

Could someone please explain exactly what it is that kernel hardeners, like
Bastille Linux (am I right? Is it a kernel hardener?) do on the system. I've
read into it a bit, but not in any great depth. I'll go and check out the
bastille-linux domain you gave me.

Thanks for your time, appreciated.
Thomas Madhavan
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay D. Dyson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Security-Basics List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: Basic setup for a home RedHat 7 box

> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Thomas Madhavan wrote:
> > Preferably the tools will be not *too* complicated to use, although I
> > don't mind learning.
> Guh.  I must have been decaffeinated when I replied.  I originally
> remarked that the author didn't mention his OS, when he actually did so in
> the subject line.  (Thanks to Raoul Armfield for pointing this out.)
> Well, for RedHat 7, I'd recommend looking into both Bastille Linux
> ( and Immunix ( for
> starters.  Then there's loads of good utilities you'll find of interest at
> the Linux Firewall Tools site (
> That should get you well on your way to finding the right mix of
> security balanced with operator convenience.
> - -Jay
>   (    (                                                          _______
>   ))   ))   .--"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"--.
> C|~~|C|~~| (>------ Jay D. Dyson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------<) |    =
>  `--' `--'  `The armed are citizens.  The unarmed are subjects.'  `------'
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (SunOS)
> Comment: See for current keys.
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