
Here is what I would suggest.  Definitely go with dual boot over a virtual
OS installation.  Why?  I've used VMWare and I've used Virtual PC, neither
of them allow any kind of real performance.  Case in point, I have a P4 1.6
GHz PC with 512 MB of RAM, the guest OS always ran poorly.  No matter how I
allocated my resources, I had next-to-zero performance.

Now, for my suggested software, take a look at Partition Magic (which comes
with Bootmagic as I recall).  This is a GREAT utility to have.  It can
perform NTFS-FAT32 FAT32-NTFS transitions and more.  Not only that, but it
handles disk partitioning much better than Windows does on any day of the
week.  A clear choice for partitioning your hard drive in my opinion.  And,
Bootmagic will definitely be a plus when you setup the dual boot.  It is a
commercial app, but it is one I have happily forked over the cash for.

Hope that helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Zatko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 1:51 PM
Subject: Nessus follow up question.

Hello Everyone,

First I want to thank everyone that passed along advice regarding free
system hardening software. Nessus seems to be the undisputed choice, but
there were a few other options and I will look into all of them.

Secondly, I will need to put Unix/Linux on a machine to use Nessus so I'm
looking for advice. First, are there advantages to putting it on my laptop?
If so, any recommendations for dual-boot software? Next, has anyone used
VMWare, and if so would it work in this application, or is there a better

I know there are a lot of questions here... so if you rather, just give me
your best solution. Again, in a bureaucracy, free is always better.

Many thanks in advance.

Eric Zatko

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