> Hi All,
> I want to turn off HTTPS to prevent people on the network from shopping at
> various sites at work.  Anyone know of any vulnerability in doing so?  Will
> I kill something else that uses HTTPS that I haven't thought about?

There are a few problems with this approach that occur to me:

1) Turning off HTTPS will not necessarily stop people from online 
shopping, it will only prevent them from doing it securely.
2) I can think of many legitimate uses of HTTPS that have nothing to do 
with online shopping. Maybe these uses apply at your office, maybe not.

A better solution would be a largely administrative one, namely, 
creating a policy that forbids online shopping on the corporate network. 
Then, you might start logging some outbound traffic (probably at your 
firewall or proxy server), maybe HTTPS and some obvious ones, like 
amazon.com or shopping.yahoo.com or ebay.com to see who is violating the 
policy. Then, have HR deal with them. A much cleaner solution, from the 
POV of a sysadmin.

Make sure you talk this over with management, if you have not already.


Associate Systems Administrator

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