> Because it works on a peer-peer basis.
> "Just like Napster allowed us to share a central list of our 
> favorite music,
> Cloudmark Spamnet allows us to share a central list of spam. 
> Individually
> this reported spam isn't very powerful, but the collective reports of
> millions of email users networked together blocks virtually 
> all spam on the
> Internet.

[ marketing fluff omitted... ]

> It's been developed by the Napster guy.

that's all well and good, but before you go running off and installing
anything, take a good look at the EULA.  they claim the right to install
third party software.

nope.  not on my machine.  i'm not trading spam filtering (if i filter
on text/html, that removes 75%-90% of the spam i receive anyway...), for
becoming an ad server, or having adds thrust at me, or whatever he plans
on sticking on my computer.

plus it's beta software.  i have a sneaking suspicion that after this
hits production, you get a choice of ad-supported software or you pony
up $X for an ad-free version.

no thank you.

 - chris

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