My company's current policy is the same.  I am writing one that would allow occasional 
use.  Otherwise, they do not enforce it until they want to get rid of someone - and 
IMHO that is selective discipline.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Heagarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: e-mail policies

The email policies that I have written don't have any leeway for personal
communications. Any and all messages contained within the system are the
property of the company and may be read by an administrator in the normal
course of their duties. Absolutely no email of a personal nature should ever
be transmitted using the corporate email system.

Now, we all know that personal email is going to be transmitted, and by some
employees that's all that will EVER get transmitted. But, the statement is
out there, the employee had to sign it and if they ignore it and put their
personal information through our system, and they will, then the decision is
theirs and not from the company.

Tim Heagarty MCSE, MCP+I
"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand
binary, and those that don't."
Work: (928) 636-0489
Cell: (928) 533-9690

-----Original Message-----
From: pablo gietz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 12:03 PM
Subject: e-mail policies

Dear gurus

We are defining policies for the use of corporate e-mail, I have doubts
about privacy of messages sent by employees. Since the e-mail system is
intended for business use, we need to prevent sensitive information
disclosure. If we respect the privacy , how can discover infidelity
 What is your opinion or the standard in this cases? What is the
companies approach?

Thanks a lot.

Pablo A. C. Gietz
Jefe de Seguridad Informática
Nuevo Banco de Entre Ríos S.A.
Te.: 0343 - 4201351

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