One of the most important aspects, at least legally, is to write an
acceptable use policy for corporate email and resources.  Just because
the resources belong to a company, one cannot automatically assume that
everything an employee does is privy to the company managers and
administrators.  There's still some semblance of privacy rights in many

You, as the IT administrator or manager, need to clearly write down what
an employee can and cannot do.  Also, another important aspect is to
declare what penalties exist if an infraction occurs.  As an example:
"We, as the company, own the resources and expect each and every
employee to follow company policies and procedures regarding acceptable
use of said resources...and we will from time to time audit usage of
company resources to include email correspondence."

Most importantly, when writing an acceptable use policy, consult with
your corporate attorney to hammer out the legalese.   

-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 25, 2003 02:16
Subject: RE: e-mail policies

> Dear gurus
> We are defining policies for the use of corporate e-mail, I have
> about privacy of messages sent by employees. Since the e-mail system
> intended for business use, we need to prevent sensitive information
> disclosure. If we respect the privacy , how can discover infidelity
> employee?
>  What is your opinion or the standard in this cases? What is the
> companies approach?
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Pablo A. C. Gietz
> Jefe de Seguridad Informática
> Nuevo Banco de Entre Ríos S.A.
> Te.: 0343 - 4201351


Although I'm not a guru, I'll give you my opinion (probably not the

Define strict policies.  Make it clear that the corporate e-mail is not
personal use.  Why?  Because studies on the use of corporate e-mail show
that the productivity, in many cases, is decreased.  Sending personal
to colleagues or people outside the corporation generates expectations
reply, and results in the habit of checking for new mail very often, and
therefore interrupts work.
There you go - no need for privacy anymore.  Now you can install e-mail
filters, e.g. based on words that's not acceptable in corporate
and bust infidel employees.

- chris

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