
The email header will also have the network address that connected to Yahoo.
Do you have a copy of the header ?


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "steve baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Distressing, possibly life threatening emails from free
accounts (yahoo, hotmail

> Unfortunately there isn't a clear way to do this since Yahoo is the middle
> guy and the mail headers were generated there.  We recently had a similar
> e-mail come in and we spoke to Yahoo directly.  While they were
> to the situation, they stated some sort of Court Order or Law Enforcement
> involvment would be required for them to give out information.
> Ken Hayes
> Network Administrator
> Eastbay / Footlocker.com
> Wausau, WI Offices
> (715) 261-9573
> |---------+--------------------------->
> |         |                           |
> |         |                           |
> |         |                           |
> |         |                           |
> |         |                           |
> |         |   "steve baker"           |
> |         |   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> |         |   om>                     |
> |         |                           |
> |         |   05/27/2003 11:38 AM     |
> |         |                           |
> |---------+--------------------------->
>   |
>   |
>   |
>   |To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   |cc:
>   |Subject:  Distressing, possibly life threatening emails from free
accounts (yahoo, hotmail                                  |
>   |
> One of our users has received questionable and possibly life threatening
> emails from a yahoo account that was created recently.  They have
> approached
> us to find out as much as we can pertaining to the person sending it.
> Of course, we are not YAHOO so we cannot determine anything about the mail
> other than the content.
> How can we find out who sent this?
> _________________________________________________________________
> STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail
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> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------


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