> You see, if the "terrorist" is smart enough, there is no way to detect
> his identity. If the attacker will use a chain of proxies and will
> combine the letter via Telnet-session, even the log-files of mail
> server will not help you in any way.

Yes, this is true... in which case, no, there really won't be a whole lot
you can do... you still need to report it to the originating ISP in the
headers and Yahoo, though...  Even if they did go through a bunch of
proxies and telnet and so on, the ISP that they used to connect to Yahoo,
at least, needs to know that someone is abusing their network in this
BUT, as is the case with most problems, chances are this wasn't as
complicated as we're making it.  When I used to have to do this at an ISP
I used to work at, 99% of the time it wasn't this complicated.  Usually,
the person sending the emails is stupid enough to think that if they send
it from a Yahoo account with false credentials it will be anonymous...

So, send the headers to Yahoo, and to the originating ISP and, law
enforcement, if it is threatening...  Let's not overthink this. and
perhaps stop this thread... seems like the question has been answered a
million times...  :-)


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