From: Mitch Pirtle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I thought about listing that one, but there aren't really any alternatives are there? No point in complaining if you can't switch to something else.

8) FrontPage

?? Haven't heard of any FrontPage vulnerabilities. I'm not real fond of the code it produces but I hardly think that means it's insecure.

9) CGI (on a webserver, that is)

Hmm, CGI is a bit tricky, but I don't think the underlying design is the problem, mostly implementation, which is why I didn't put it on this list. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

and my all-time favorite,
10) Anything that is labeled "hacker proof"

Now that's for sure.

Oh, IMNSHO, PHP isn't insecure, its the people using it.  I could do
just as much damage writing something in Perl, .NET, even HTML...
Pretty much anything 'cept python ;^P

It just seems like I get a ton of vulnerability reports from PHP itself and programs written using it, could be because it's popular, but I don't think that's the whole story.

Chris Berry
Systems Administrator
JM Associates

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