X.X.X.255 is a broadcast address normally. Ignore super netting, etc. Just
think class C IPs for the moment, like your modem. Your cable modem is, for
all intents and purposes, a router, whether or not you have it set as some
can, to "Gateway". If yours is old, it may not be a router, but lets keep it

Routers don't behave as normal network devices.

Routers ignore and drop broadcasts. By definition, routers will not process
and pass a broadcast request. If they did pass them, the entire Internet
would be one big broadcast storm.

When the broadcast ping hit your router interface, it dropped it, as a
matter of course. Expected behavior.

When you pinged the router directly, it slipped into normal network device
mode and answered (although a "real" router might be configured via access
list to drop pings and other types of suspect traffic.) Because it answered,
the PC's arp table caught the traffic and logged the response.

Now, the "Private address" ranges (10.x.x.x, 172.16-31.x.x, and 192.168.x.x)
are not supposed to be configured to be passed by routers to the Internet,
per the RFC 1918. However, manufacturers of routers can't make this
impossible because if I have a large company, geographically dispersed or
not, I will find it better to use private addresses for my intranet, and
then only need a few "Public" addresses so my folks can email, VPN in from
home, etc.

And then, some ISP's are just plain sloppy and don't "Not" route the private
address spaces.

So, if I want to go around taking wacks at peoples networks and systems, I
have to look at where I'll get the most "Bang for the Buck" or best return
for time spent (or bandwidth used, and program scripted) I'm going the smack
away at Microsoft product published vulnerabilities because there's lots of
pretty little scripts out there already and there are by far more untrained
persons running Microsoft products than untrained *nix products. I'm going
to go around looking like 192.168 networks because that's what lots of
Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, like cable modem/routers use.
True, the *nix systems can also be penetrated, but by far the number of
untrained script-kiddies using pre-canned scripts outnumbers the
knowledgeable hackers, and the old adage that if you are hacking to look
kewl, you hack Microsoft and if you are "in it for the money, you hack *nix"
may not be always true, it is mostly true that *nix hacks want nothing more
than to NOT be noticed (once caught on to being rooted because the hacker
had cleaned up some system problems that caused the HP Unix load to barf,
because he wanted that system to run really well, so he could reliably use
it). Anyway, there are all sorts of silly things a person behind a dsl
router or cable modem can do if they are untrained, such as run W2K and not
block the Active Directory port 445, or running Win9X, ME, or NT and not
blocking outgoing 137-139, thereby inviting anyone who can reach your system
using a private address to join your subnet or private class C and bang away
at your shared resources and userids/passwords. If the ISP routes the
private range, why, then I have a greater range for my scans and attacks.
And I'll be a couple hops away. And I won't stay out there for any length of
time at any IP because one CAN triangulate on an IP, if it stays out there
long enough and you have a couple of buds at different places willing to

As far as not getting responses, it is rather trivial to ignore pings, or
even statefully packet inspect and ignore goobs of traffic that are not
"interesting". This is sometimes incorrectly called "Stealth Mode". When in
a true stealth mode, the interface will not answer to anything. The problem
with achieving this is the same programming problem application and software
engineers face: Accounting for every weird thing someone might try. A couple
of years ago there were some sniffer programs that could sit in stealth
mode, sucking up your intelligence on your network, that were advertised as
being stealthed. They did not report home, someone had to come get the
collected data from the machine. But a specially crafted corrupt arp reply
message forced on the wire caused these promiscuously set "stealthed"
interfaces to answer, giving away where they were and who they were. To the
informed, few interface configurations are truly "stealthed". See replay
attacks on the web for explanations on how to defeat SPI'd interfaces. If
you aren't really up on the subject, or you just left your toolbox at home,
even a access control list denying pings can look like stealth. You run a
prepackaged port scanner. The person who wrote it knows how to hit ports and
see if they are listening. But to scan someone with it, you HAVE to talk to
them. You HAVE to check if the port is listening to get an answer. They
don't normally (okay, MS and some MAC/*nix DO announce they are listening to
the world) tell the world they are there till asked. So your firewall DOES
get the IP and port they knocked on. Is it surprising that they are blocking
the ICMP packets that are the guts of pings and trace routes? (Trace route
is basically a set of pings with increasing TTLs (Times to live))

If you could immediately scan them, you'd likely find some ports listening
(Hey, they have to hear their own scan victims replies, don't they?) but the
newer ones are using stateful packet inspection on those, to insure they
don't reply. So you replay attack. And the knowledge and speed envelope
spiral upward, ever increasing.

The old saw "the more you know, the more dangerous you can be" is true.

Very wordy for me and in some places, after proof reading, overly
simplified, but those who want to take issue should be reminded they didn't
ask these questions and I judged Jim's skill level on the basis of one short
email. And Jim, same to you, please don't see insult in the level of the
explanation. Answering an email is vastly different than sitting in my
basement with my lab and sniffers/snort boxes and killing a case of beer
while enumerating my mom's PC 6000 miles away (Only as practical examples
mom, never in malice)

D. Weiss

----Original Message-----
From: Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 5:27 PM
Subject: Questions about 192.168


I've been following some of the conversations about 192.168 networks,
and tried some experimentation, and came up with a few questions:

1.  I've tried the technique mentioned to ping the broadcast address,
and then check arp -a (on Windows 2000 machines).  This didn't seem to
work.  For example, I pinged  This should add all
192.168.100.x IPs into my arp cache, right?  But my cable modem didn't
show up in my arp cache after doing this.  However, when I pinged my
cable modem directly (, it did show up in my arp cache.  I
tried this on a computer on the Internet (which I telneted to), with
similar results.  (Is it because Microsoft recognizes as
a valid IP?).  When I do a traceroute to my cable modem (,
it is a direct hop.

2.  However, with the computer on the Internet I mentioned (which I am
telneting to), there were the following IPs:,,,, and - which I found through
doing an nmap scan.  (pinging produced no results in the
arp table)  Three are apparently Cisco routers ( and are both ping-able).  When doing nmap, it shows as remote, the others as local.  However, when I do a
traceroute on these supposedly local ones, it shows a number of hops out
over the Internet, implying that they are not connected locally.  Does
this make sense?

3.  I recently checked my firewall (Network ICE), and noticed an attack
from this IP:  I tried to ping the attacking IP, but no
response.  The attack details were these:
TCP OS Fingerprint, and then FTP Port Probe.  Does this make any sense?
How can someone use a supposedly local IP (192.168) to attack me?
(Cable modem with 2 computers hooked up).

So can someone clarify these things?  IE, why does it look like the only
way to really detect 192.168 devices on your network is to scan for them
- in other words, the pinging of the broadcast address doesn't work (or
am I pinging the wrong broadcast address?).  Why do 192.168 devices,
which are supposed to be local, have a number of (internet) hops between
them when you ping them?  And can anyone explain how someone could
attack me via my cable modem, with a source address of
(which I was unable to ping or otherwise detect)?  In general, why don't
these 192.168 addresses show up in the routing table, netstat, etc.?



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