Hey, kind of a new guy to the security field...I only have basic and 
intermediate knowledge of the subject, but I ran a netstat -ano on my 
computer the other day and noticed I have a bunch of connections to my 
computer set on Listening status, that I have not activated myself, and 
appear to be hackers(?). I was wondering if there's a command to manually 
close those connections? BTW, I'm running Windows XP if it means 
anything :P

Also, I was wondering, as I'm getting more and more into security and 
such, I'm trying to learn as much as I can soon, so to start off, I have 
a simple question. Windows, any build after 95, scrapped the DOS system 
and replaced it with a watered down crappier version called Command 
Prompt :P. When I'm running batch programs, and commands for nbtstat and 
netstat and such, is there anything better than command prompt, like, can 
I download DOS somewhere? Also, how exactly do I compile programs from 
source documents? Thanks much,



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