On 2003-07-21 Sayo Venchetti wrote:
> Hey, kind of a new guy to the security field...I only have basic and
> intermediate knowledge of the subject, but I ran a netstat -ano on my
> computer the other day and noticed I have a bunch of connections to my
> computer set on Listening status, that I have not activated myself,
> and appear to be hackers(?).

Probably not.

> I was wondering if there's a command to manually close those
> connections?

Several Windows services are listening locally (some even remotely). You
might want to read [1] to get an idea of how to find out what's what.

> Also, I was wondering, as I'm getting more and more into security and
> such, I'm trying to learn as much as I can soon, so to start off, I
> have a simple question. Windows, any build after 95, scrapped the DOS
> system and replaced it with a watered down crappier version called
> Command Prompt :P. When I'm running batch programs, and commands for
> nbtstat and netstat and such, is there anything better than command
> prompt, like, can I download DOS somewhere?

You have no idea what you're talking about, don't you?

Run a Command Prompt and type "help". Read. Next type "help <command>"
for every command "help" had outlined. Keep reading. Type "net help".
Continue reading.

After you did that, come back here and say again you want to use DOS
instead of CMD.

> Also, how exactly do I compile programs from source documents?

By using an appropriate compiler. What compiler would be appropriate
depends on the sources you have.

[1] http://www.med.unc.edu/ois/faqs/windows_os/faq_removetrojan.htm

Ansgar Wiechers


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