On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Al Sez wrote:

> c'mon guys. It's all very well and good to have suggestions but how about
> some of you hot-shots actually *writing* some of these FAQs? It's good that
> someone is willing to take over the maintenance and updating of a FAQ but it
> is my experience that the best FAQs are not the work of a single person but
> rather the collaborative efforts of many different members of the group.

Well said! The best FAQs are built from contributions and are a
collaborative effort. I've seen lots of ideas but I will rely on the list
for the content as I unfortunately do not have the time to do it all
myself. I'm also the editor for SecurityFocus which keeps me very busy, as
I manage the content and layout of SF. Thus the posters to this list who
make it to the FAQ will get some good exposure. :)

-- Kelly Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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