Kelly Martin wrote:

> Well said! The best FAQs are built from contributions and are a
> collaborative effort. I've seen lots of ideas but I will rely on the list
> for the content as I unfortunately do not have the time to do it all
> myself. I'm also the editor for SecurityFocus which keeps me very busy, as
> I manage the content and layout of SF. Thus the posters to this list who
> make it to the FAQ will get some good exposure. :)

A FAQ would be great to clear up the the topics discussed on the list and to
keep redundancy down.
Along with the topics FAQ however IMHO there should be some "etiquette"
rules/FAQ defined as well to make the messages (and the whole list) more
readable. The purpose of such "rules" would be mainly for members'
convenience, but it I think a little attention to these would greatly pay
off. Rules I think worth considering are like:

 - no signatures longer than 80 characters/line or 5 lines
 - no unnecessary quoting, quote only the concrete part the reply relates to
 - only text/plain letters, no HTML or other fancy stuff.
 - use only messaging programs honoring and generating In-Reply-To and
References header fields
 - begin new threads with new message, do not reply and modify subject
 - wrap messages at 74-78 characters
 - mark quotations with a standard quote character
 - put an empty line between quotations and new text
 - and so on...

Just my 0,02


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