On 07/22/2014 10:28 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:

Please review the code change at


The fix consolidates java.security-<platform> files into one with
#ifdef directives.

There are several major changes:

1. Creation of file is moved from CopyFiles to GenerateData, since we
are really generating something now. Said that, the source data is
kept in src/share/lib/security instead of make/data. I am OK with
moving it if anyone desires.

2. The new tool MakeJavaSecurity includes the function of old
AddToRestrictedPkgs. MakeJavaSecurity includes a new argument to deal
with the platform dependent entries. The restricted.pkgs argument is
also changed from a list of entries to a file name, so that we can
also support the same #ifdef mechanism inside restricted.pkgs.

3. The new consolidated java.security supports #ifdef and #ifndef. It
is not necessary to support #else or (and|or) of multiple #ifdef's

4. *IMPORTANT*: In order to easily maintain platform-related entries,
every line (including the last line) in package.access and
package.definition MUST end with ',\' now. A blank line MUST exist
after the last line. This avoid ugly lines like

#ifndef windows entry1. #endif #ifdef windows entry1.,\ entry2

What happens if someone (inevitably) adds a new package to the list and forgets to do either of these? Does it result in a build failure?

Otherwise looks good, although I think it would be useful to write an additional test to make sure the correct providers are installed and ordered correctly on the different platforms, something similar to the java/lang/SecurityManager/CheckPackageAccess.java test but specific to providers.

Thanks for doing this, it will really help maintaining this file going forward!


The MakeJavaSecurity tool will strip the trailing ",\" from the last
line to make the file exactly the same as before, although personally
I don't think it's really necessary since the following empty line
will terminate the entry automatically.

Thanks Max

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