On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 04:56:47 GMT, Xue-Lei Andrew Fan <xue...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Can you clarify what is the A and B that you are referring to?
>> The sentence is, “If the required parameters were not supplied and the 
>> underlying signature implementation can generate the parameter values, it 
>> will be returned. Otherwise, {https://github.com/code null} is returned."
>> I read "the required parameters were not supplied" as condition A; and "the 
>> underlying signature implementation can generate the parameter values" as 
>> condition B.
>> With Signature class, there is a caveat for EdDSA, the supplied parameters 
>> are set but null is being returned when getParameters() is called. This is 
>> currently covered by the condition `if the underlying signature 
>> implementation supports returning the parameters as {@code 
>> AlgorithmParameters}` as the underlying signature does not support 
>> AlgorithmParameters for the supplied EdDSAParameterSpec object due to lack 
>> of ASN.1 definition.
> I see now.  My 1st read of the condition, I did not get the point and thought 
> it is not necessary as the method is trying to return "AlgorithmParameters".  
> Could it be more clear if describe this case in an additional sentence?

What kind of additional sentence do you have in mind?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8396

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