On Fri, 13 May 2022 14:35:56 GMT, Sean Mullan <mul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hmm, would it fall under the "Otherwise, null is returned"? If not, perhaps 
>> we can add back the part about returning AlgorithmParameters as below:
>> **If the underlying signature implementation supports returning the 
>> parameters as {@code AlgorithmParameters},** the returned parameters may be 
>> the same that were used to initialize
>>  this signature, or may contain additional default or random parameter 
>> values used by the underlying signature scheme. If the required parameters 
>> were not supplied and can be generated by the signature, the generated 
>> parameters are returned. Otherwise, {@code null} is returned.
> I think it is a special case that should be specified. Theoretically, it 
> could also occur if params were not supplied by the caller, but the 
> implementation generated parameters and then could not return them as 
> AlgorithmParameters. I think the underlying issue is that not all Signature 
> algorithms should be required to support an encoded form of the parameters.
> It is hard to fit all of these cases in a couple of sentences. I would be 
> more inclined to add something like the following after the two sentences you 
> currently have: "However, if the underlying implementation does not support 
> returning the parameters as `AlgorithmParameters`, `null` is always returned."

Yes, I agree that it's a special case as the convention is to define the 
parameter spec class based on the ASN.1 structure. I like your suggestion 
better also. Will update using it.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8396

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