> OK, I have now finally found some time to integrate multi-property sorting
> into SVN, though with major modifications in some parts. The patch was still
> very useful in many places.
Good to hear!

> Changes compared to earlier (patch) implementation:

> * Avoid multiple use of the same property tables in SQL queries (the patch
> created multiple joins for each sorted property, even if it was already
> existing). The patch also introduced a new method in SMWSQLStore that is no
> longer needed now. So things are slightly more efficient and generally
> shorter.

> * Alphabetical order of main result column can be incorporated into sorting by
> giving more order statements than sorting properties. Example: 
> parameters "sort=birthday | order=asc,desc" will sort results by the
> property "birthday" (ascending) and order results with the same birthday
> reverse alphabetically.
Got it from SVN, and it works. Now I can use additional sorting
parameter to control the order of titles. That often might be useful.
It also seems to work fine with my ask queries, that were used with
original patch. These ask queries use sorting by two different

> * Special:Ask has changed. It now has multiple sorting inputs, and new input
> fields can be added with a dedicated link. This link uses a new message which
> still needs translation in most languages. The advantage is that we can again
> use the translated selection for choosing the order instead of requiring
> people to enter things like "ASC, DESC" in all languages. 
I've translated the message to Russian language, the file is attached.
The file has a question, what's the better way to translate the
documentation page name?

> * Relevant for developers: SMWQuery now uses a new way of representing sorting
> conditions and their order. Instead of having two variables (property name
> and order) as before, there is now a single array of format "Property_name"
=>> "ASC"/"DESC".

> The new features will probably still need testing, and Special:Ask could
> probably be improved UI-wise (e.g. you cannot remove sorting condition input
> fields).
Thanks, now I can live with SVN!

Markus, I've also tested #ask RSS feeds with long Cyrillic parameters
and it seems there are no errors with Title creation. I run MW 1.11.2
and SMW 1.0.2b SVN (32055).


Attachment: SMW_LanguageRu.php
Description: Binary data

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