Robert Murphy wrote:

> Dear Developers,
> I run a wiki with a vast amount of N-ary data.  I have yet to hear
> from anyone who has successfully figured out how to query N-ary data.
> Some of you may have seen my many question on the User Mailing List,
> but no has ever said anything other than "I hear someone somewhere at
> sometime solved that with templates."  I have not been able to solve
> it with templates and no semantic mediawiki I've found has either.
> I'm afraid no one has seriously considered the possibility that N-ary
> data is inaccessible from with Mediawiki.
> Basically, if you do pass a query to templates, and one of the
> parameters is N-ary, then a comma separated list of all fields is
> passed and there seems to be no way to handle that data from within a
> template, even if there's only one instances of the n-ary value.  If I
> were just within Perl of PHP, splitting on regex's the passed N-ary
> data would be a piece of cake.  However, such programming language
> features as "split" and arrays are not possible within a template.  I
> think this problem warrants serious developer attention.

I've been thinking about this, and I think that both N-aries and queries
need some refinement, and soon.

On the N-ary front, I'd recommend introducing field names so that individual
fields can be referenced.  The simplest way to do this would be to allow
"name=value" pairs anywhere that an N-ary currently permits a value.  (Note:
"allow"; not "require".  This allows for full backward compatibility.)  One
application of the "field name" concept would be the ability to use
something like '[[Property::field=+]]' in a query to find only those pages
where Property has 'field' as a field; or '?Property::field' to include the
value of Property's field in the output.

On the querying front, I think we need something akin to SQL's 'FROM'
clause.  Right now, it's assumed that the query is always looking for pages
that match the given criteria; the new feature would allow you to specify
that you're looking for every instance of a given property where the
criteria are satisfied.  This would be ideally suited for N-ary properties,
but might be useful elsewhere.

Here's what I envision:

on Page [[N-ary]]:
  [[Contributer::Robert Murphy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on Page [[Property:Contributor]]:
  [[type of::text, email=text]]

on some other page:
  {{ask: [[Contributer::email=+]] | ?Contributer::email }}

this would produce something like:
  | [[N-ary]] || [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd like to implement this myself; but I'm having some difficulty puzzling
out how the code for the N-ary type works.  Any advice would be

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang
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