My two centimes/pfennigs below:

Jon Lang wrote:
> Robert Murphy wrote:
>     Dear Developers,
>     I run a wiki with a vast amount of N-ary data.  I have yet to hear
>     from anyone who has successfully figured out how to query N-ary data.
>     Some of you may have seen my many question on the User Mailing List,
>     but no has ever said anything other than "I hear someone somewhere at
>     sometime solved that with templates."  I have not been able to solve
>     it with templates and no semantic mediawiki I've found has either.
>     I'm afraid no one has seriously considered the possibility that N-ary
>     data is inaccessible from with Mediawiki.
>     Basically, if you do pass a query to templates, and one of the
>     parameters is N-ary, then a comma separated list of all fields is
>     passed and there seems to be no way to handle that data from within a
>     template, even if there's only one instances of the n-ary value.  If I
>     were just within Perl of PHP, splitting on regex's the passed N-ary
>     data would be a piece of cake.  However, such programming language
>     features as "split" and arrays are not possible within a template.  I
>     think this problem warrants serious developer attention.
> I've been thinking about this, and I think that both N-aries and 
> queries need some refinement, and soon. 
> On the N-ary front, I'd recommend introducing field names so that 
> individual fields can be referenced.  The simplest way to do this 
> would be to allow "name=value" pairs anywhere that an N-ary currently 
> permits a value.  (Note: "allow"; not "require".  This allows for full 
> backward compatibility.)  One application of the "field name" concept 
> would be the ability to use something like '[[Property::field=+]]' in 
> a query to find only those pages where Property has 'field' as a 
> field; or '?Property::field' to include the value of Property's field 
> in the output. 
> On the querying front, I think we need something akin to SQL's 'FROM' 
> clause.  Right now, it's assumed that the query is always looking for 
> pages that match the given criteria; the new feature would allow you 
> to specify that you're looking for every instance of a given property 
> where the criteria are satisfied.  This would be ideally suited for 
> N-ary properties, but might be useful elsewhere. 
> Here's what I envision:
> on Page [[N-ary]]:
>   [[Contributer::Robert Murphy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]]
> on Page [[Property:Contributor]]:
>   [[type of::text, email=text]]
> on some other page:
>   {{ask: [[Contributer::email=+]] | ?Contributer::email }}
> this would produce something like:
>   {|
>   | [[N-ary]] || [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   |}
> I'd like to implement this myself; but I'm having some difficulty 
> puzzling out how the code for the N-ary type works.  Any advice would 
> be appreciated. 
> -- 
> Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

One thing I would like to see with semantic queries, whether with N-ary 
or singular properties, is the ability to retrieve the value of any 
property of any page and embed this value in the text on another page.

For example: say that one of my editors wants to discuss the nebula 
theory for the formation of the solar system, and in particular the 
"angular momentum problem" (that is to say, why does the sun have more 
than 99 percent of the mass while its satellites have 99 percent of the 
angular momentum?). A directly relevant consideration is the current 
sidereal rotation period of the sun. Well, at present, my fellow editor 
has to:

1.   Browse "Sun" in the Browse page (or look up the article itself and 
scroll down to the Factbox).

2.   Read the value of the sidereal "day" of the Sun.

3.   Copy this value to the clipboard.

4.   Return to the article on "Nebula theory."

5.   Paste the value into his text.

And if we later find out that our value for the sidereal day of the Sun 
is incorrect, now my editor has to set a watch on the Sun article and 
change his own article to stay consistent.

Now Markus can correct me if I misunderstand, but I understood that the 
ultimate goal of the Semantic Web is to obviate that kind of messy 
retroactive edit.

Here's what I'd like to do:

* In the article on Sun, keep that article up-to-date with the annotated 
number of the sidereal day.

* In the article on the Nebula theory, at the point for discussing the 
sidereal day of the Sun, enter a template or a query that will 
automatically retrieve the then-current annotated value for "Sidereal 
day" from the page titled "Sun" and show it.

* Further in the article, in a discussion of how fast the Sun would have 
to spin to have its share of the angular momentum of the solar system, 
use a query or template that would /calculate/ this hypothetical spin 
rate, sidereal rotation period, or whatever, from the actual value 
(retrieved from the article called Sun) and a scaling factor (specified 
as a parameter to the template, perhaps).

In that manner, any change to the value stored in "Sun" (to reflect 
further research) would propagate to the article that mentions that value.

Now about N-ary properties: our wiki has a number of articles on various 
celestial bodies. Most, if not all, have annotated listings of all the 
rocket probes that have visited them. (For example: [[Visiting 
mission::Voyager 2]]) Now I know that I could define an N-ary property 
that would at least store a date of first rendezvous with the mission 
name, thus: [[Visiting mission::Voyager 2, 28 February 1981]] (And here 
again, I recognize that if N-ary properties use comma-separated 
annotation, then I cannot annotate text containing commas; happily both 
the standard Date datatype and my Historical Date datatype recognize the 
format I used in my example.)

But what I would like to do, in the article on Voyager 2, is set up a 
query that creates a table of every target that Voyager 2 ever had, and 
the date that Voyager 2 visited that target. Right now, with n-ary 
properties, I cannot do this. If I had annotated a single 
date-of-first-visit in the article on each body, then I could set up a 
query that would produce this kind of table. But we all know that, 
except maybe for the planets Uranus and Neptune and their satellites, 
any celestial body that has been visited by /one/ rocket probe, has in 
fact been visited by at least /two or three or more/. (The Jovian 
system, for example, has documented visits by Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 
1 and 2, and the later spacecraft Galileo, Ulysses, and even Cassini.)

Now if this were SQL, and not SMW, this would be easy to handle:

SELECT rendezvous FROM Visiting_mission ORDER BY rendezvous WHERE 
spacecraft='Voyager 2';

With that I could get a list of every one of Voyager 2's targets, sorted 
in order from first to last.

But right now, all I can do is display an alphabetized list of Voyager 
2's targets in the Factbox--though I understand that with SMW 1.2, I'll 
be able to sort those targets by some property other than the article's 
name, even in the Factbox.

Now if I'm missing anything, I'd like to know. But I thought the 
developers ought to know something that would make SMW even more 
worthwhile than it is now.


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